No Longer Hidden- Chapter Twenty-five

Start from the beginning

We fell silent as we just took this one moment for us. The minutes ticked away as we just were with each other. Each night before a battle we'd do this, but this time we needed it the most. This time the battle was going to test us and would possibly be the most trying of all as both sides want an end to this war.

"The idea of stealing you to a cave and making it our little wolf den is still something we could do in the future." I laughed and he chuckled with me draped over his chest. The laughter relaxing and easy the tension that had started forming in my body again.

I looked at him and he smiled that soothing, secret smile of him that was only for me. Leaning forward, I placed a kiss on his lips. "Thank you my mate. You always know what I need."

He caressed the side of my face. "And always will because we were always meant to be together. No matter what happened in our lives, we would have gotten together in the end."

"Fate just wanted to make it sooner."

Daemon nodded. "So Destiny could start her course."

I nodded too though begrudgingly. "Destiny that turned the whole world upside down."

He turned us so now I was under him with his body lifted slightly off mine. "But just think of what the future means for all our kind. We won't have to hide in secret any longer. We can truly be what we were born to be. Wolves."

"We just don't know the ramifications of the normal people knowing about us. Our kind could become hunted after all is said and done."

But Daemon shook his head. "Not with how you've been handling things with the governments around the world. Even they aren't naive enough to try and eliminate our kind. They wouldn't know how to start looking for us. Right now, lets just finish this war and deal with what happens afterwards."

"Even after this war, we've got a long road ahead of us."

He smiled and pecked my lips. "And I will stay standing by your side through it all."

"And I'll need you there to keep me strong." I looked into his eyes and knew what he saw. The only time I am vulnerable is when I am with him like this. The only time I will let my guard down and just be a scared woman. He's seen this side before and has never shied away from it. In fact, he's help coax it out of me and eased my heart and soul each time.

"Every time my love. Every single time till the world is perfect for you and our hope for the future." His next smile down at me said more than words ever could. That he only sees me and dreamt deeply of what our future looked like.

Then his smile turned a bit cocky as he shifted a bit over top of me and I couldn't stop from gasping. "What do you say my love? One more round before we think of sleeping the last few hours of the night?"

My cheeks brightened with a blush as my smile turned cocky too. "Are you sure you are up for another round? I could have sworn I managed to get you quite well before our heavy conversation."

His eyes started glowing as he shifted his hips. "As you can feel my Mate, I'm quite up to it." With his honed skill, he effectively sent himself home in one movement. "Now how should I send you over the edge this time?" His looked turned thoughtful as he made me grip the side of our cot and moan.

For the next better part of an hour, Daemon made it so I couldn't really think of anything but what pleasure he was giving me. By the time we were both spent yet again, neither of us could keep our eyes open. A purely sated feeling that took all the stress away of what was to come. All the things I had to think about were chased away. Now I was left with just being with my mate and falling into a blissful sleep with him.

No Longer Hidden {A Royal Wolves Story #3}Where stories live. Discover now