15) Extra 2

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Hey guys most of you are wondering why I'm doing another chapter and this is why...

Thanks for the support from all of you(:



July 3rd, 2013

This day cannot get any worse.

Life! When people say this it's rhetorical!

I walked into the firework tent with my aunt and cousin.

We just wanted some last minute things.

"Should I buy smoke bombs?" my aunt asked.

"And snakes. I love snakes." I shook my hair out.

"Okay smoke bombs, snakes, we have pop-its..."

I laughed.

"Did you know British people call people poppets?"

"No I did not. Should we get party poppers too?"

"Probably. Oooo!!!" I awed as my aunt pointed at colorful rain.

"Let's get this." she grabbed.

We got in line.

"Damn this place is expensive. But not like that other place..."

I nodded in agreement.

Once we paid we walked back to her mini van.

"Is that who I think it is?" I mumbled to myself.

Once my thoughts were confirmed I jumped in.

I had no clue what to do as the figure approached closer.

I ducked my head and body in my seat.

My aunt laughed at me.

I peaked my eyes out to see Seth walking behind the mini van.

I was about to sit up when I saw for a girl from school.

"You've got to be kidding me." I sighed.

I sat up and waved, knowing the girl would've seen me either way.

She smiled and waved back.

I looked out the windshield to see Seth walking into the firework tent.

Can I just take this moment to thank God that Seth wasn't there when I was.

I can imagine it now.


I grabbed the party poppers and surveyed them.

"Hi Selena."

Oh no. That voice could only belong to a blonde haired 7th grade idiot.


I tried ignoring him, my aunt was just a few feet away.

"Hey," he said sleazily, "Seen Nick yet?" He laughed.

"Go away Seth!" I hissed, walking away.

"Come on Selena." He laughed.

"Who's this?" My aunt asked.

"Her ex-boyfriend's best friend." Seth answered.

I panicked.

"You had a boyfriend?!" My aunt hissed.

"What?! No! He's lying!"

"No I can call Nick right now! They went out for like 3 days."

"Nine." I said through gritted teeth.

"See?" He pointed at me to my aunt.

There went Seth's face; there went my life.

*End of Imagine*

I sighed.

I still let Seth and Nick have power over me. But I can't.

I'm not that girl anymore.

I'm stronger than that.

They're a building and well, I'm a fire starter.

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