1) Where It All Began

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I guess it all started January 29th, 2013.

Student Council and a number of chosen kids were asked to go on a trip to the Spaceport in Santa Fe, NM.

I'm in Student Council.

So is my crush, Nick Carter.

Nick Carter...where do I begin? Nick consisted of light brown hair brushed down, green eyes, and a sense of humor most guys want.

He's in 7th grade. Unlike myself, who's in 8th.

He found a way to always put me in that whole my-face-hurts-from-smiling mood.

Throughout a few months (if that) I began constantly talking about Nick.

What he did to me that day; if he smiled or looked at me. Cliché but true.

The trip there was...cold. It was snowing.

In my opinion, the winter is the most magical part of the year. We grew up listening to love stories that look place in winter. I loved it.

The thought of asking Nick out or telling him I like him, crossed my mind numerous times on the 3 hour trip there.


Meeting the different states of office at the New Mexico round house was amazing.

Especially the parts where I saw Nick with Seth.

Every time I'd see Nick, Shelly would nudge me and wink. Which sent me blushing like crazy.

By the time the trip was over, Nick, Kevin, and Seth had put a bag of cookies and popcorn on the Governor's car.

Yes, if Susana Martinez is reading this, I know who put the food on your car.

In their defense and I quote, "How could you not mess with her car? It literally says 'Governor's Car'."

We also managed a few selfies and getting lost. And for those who have anyways wondered, yes there are corners in the round house.

After we left, we went to eat at Furr's.

My opinion, worst food than my- well my family cooks pretty well so urm the worst food I've ever tasted.

But they had ice-cream ^.^ So I sufficed.

Nick sat with Seth, Kevin, and a kid I really didn't know, José.

It was more about the fun than the food.

I ended up shoving my ice-cream cone in this girl named Jayla's face. It was quite worth it.

Once we all piled onto the bus again, Shelly and I sat down.

I had switched from Savannah to Mia to Shelly. Shelly liked Seth.

I liked Nick. It's obvious why we sat together.

It wasn't until the last two hours of the trip did I go up to Seth.

He needed to ask Shelly out.

"Hey Seth!" I greeted, taking a seat behind them.

"Look I don't like you okay?" Nick told me, awkwardly.

I just died a little.

"This is about Seth. So what do you think of Shelly?" I turned back to Seth.

He shrugged.

I sighed and went back to my seat.

I explained to Shelly what both Nick and Seth said. She sighed.

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