Chapter 38: Battlefield

Start from the beginning

Me: “I am away from your lives, are you on crack? I left you guys and I haven’t been in contact with you guys, until today” 

Lauren: “Look cause of you Sid left me, now your going to pay for it”


Lauren “Just make sure your kids are safe, you know wouldn’t want anything happening to them” 

Me: “Your threats don’t scare me” 

Lauren: “Its not a threat, if I can hire someone to kill you, I can do it again” 

Before I could respond she hung up on me. I wish I could have killed her, why was she still dragging me into their problems, I had nothing to do with their lives anymore. I couldn’t stop thinking about her threat, she was physo and she could do anything, I couldn’t risk Justin and Sabrina’s lives, they were all I had left. And suddenly a thought just flashed throught my mind, Jace was more vunerable, he was in Pittsburgh. My heart ached, my kids were in danger and it was all Sid’s fault. I had to ensure their safety. I wasn’t thinking straight and I dialled Sid’s number. Sid picked up pretty quickly. 

Phone Convo:

Sid “Hello”

Me: “Sid tell your wife to stay away from my kids they have nothing to do with the fights between you guys”

Sid: “Jessica is that you? Where are you?”

Me: “It doesn’t matter where I am, just stay away from me and my  kids, we don’t need you, we moved on”

Sid “Jessica, I don’t know what Lauren said to you but don’t believe her”

Me: “She threated me, she blood thirtsy, If anything happens to my kids, I won’t forgive you Sid, just stay out of our lives, and solve what ever happened between you and lauren, I don’t need it affectiong my kids”

Sid: “There my  kids as well, where are you? Jace misses you come back”

Me: “You don’t need to know where we are, just stay away from us, we moved on, I’m married and I’m happy, let me be. I’m never coming back Sid, I hate you for what you did to me, I never ever want to see you again.  Don't even come near my body, when I die"

I hung up on him before he could say anything more. I didn’t need him, or I thought I didn’t. He had hurt me and he thought I only loved him for his money but that was never true, he couldn’t control my life anymore, and I had to lie about me being married or he wouldn’t leave me alone. It was the only was to ensure he left my life for good. I couldn’t get Jace off my mind, Lauren could do anything to him, I wanted to go to Pittsburgh but to only to bring him here. But if I went to Pittsburgh, Sid would force Justin and Sabrina to stay with him. Our love felt like a battlefield, one minute we were madly in love and the other we hated each other and wanted to stay far away from each other as we could. 

Sid’s POV: The doctors were examining Jace, when I got a phone call from Jessica, I was so glad to hear her voice but everything shattered real quick. She had moved on, she had been married, but to who? Was what I really wanted to know. Her words periced my heart when she told me she hated me. Lauren was threating her and I knew Jessica was worried about the kid’s safety, like I was. Jace was more vunerable, since Lauren was in Pittsburgh, I had to make sure I kept him safe and not to let him out of sight. I wanted to be with Jessica but it wasn’t possible anymore, she had moved on, and there was no way she would forgive me. I just had to get use to life without her and it was going to be brutal. One minute it was love then suddenly a battlefield. There was nothing left, everything was lost between us and I was the one to blame. I left the hospital, and made sure Malkin was with Jace, I had to get away for a couple of hours. 

Torn Apart (Sequel to Brutal Love) Sidney Crosby  Fan FictionWhere stories live. Discover now