Chapter 32: Neglected

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The kids soon left and I ran upstairs to get ready. I put on a skirt white a white shirt and a blazer. I did left my hair open. I grabbed my bag and headed downstairs. I picked up the bills and began calculating how much I had to pay. I sat on the kitchen table. "Oh my god' I burried my head into my hands, the amount was so much and I barley had enough money to pay it. I still had to pay the kid's hockey fee's and art class fees. There were so much things to be paid for and so less money. I had to get a job, or soon we would be on the road. My head began pounding just staring at the amount. "Heyy" said a strange voice. I looked up and noticed the land lord "How did you get in here?' I screamed.

"I have a spare key babe" he smirked. "Anyways when are you paying the rent, its been past due for 3 months now"

I hated the land lord, he was a creep. I was only putting up with him because this place was cheaper and more elegant then the others and even if I did want to leave I couldn't.

"Travis, I told you I would pay you when I get a job' I yelled.

He moved close to me and pulled me into his grip 'Or you could just take up my offer?' he said as his lips brushed against my cheek.

I pushed him off me "Never'

"C'mom you need money, and I have money. Just agree to it. I'll pay for your kid's and everything, ' he smirked.

"I'm never accepting your deal" I yelled backing away from him.

He moved forward and pinned me against the wall, his lips traced my neck "Then pay me by this week, or else you get kicked out and I'm calling child care and letting them know you can't take care of your kids, and there going to separate them from you and send the back to your husband'

I grabbed his collar "YOU WOULDN'T DO THAT"

He held me tighter 'Oh babe you know I would" he smirked.

He brushed his lips on my lips, his hands played with my shirt. His fingers tips began raising up my shirt. A tear rolled out of my eyes. "You'll be mine soon" he whispered into my ear as he left. I backed up to the counter and fell down crying. I couldn't agree to his deal and I couldn't let my kids be taken away from me. Only way out for me was to get a job no matter what happened. I got up and wiped my tears. I grabbed my bag and headed out. I had to find a job today. I got into the car and began driving. I hit every place in town that was hiring but my luck was bad.

Samantha's POV: I saw Jace crying, he was in such bad shape. I raced over to him 'Oh My God, who made you cry on your birthday?" I bent down to him and hugged him. I noticed he had a box in his hand that he was holding on to tightly. "It was Mommy, I got to talk to her after so long, please take me to her" he stuttered.

"WHAT?! HOW?! WHEN?!?WHERE!?" I yelled

"She called, I tried calling back but it wouldn't work, and she sent me this" he said showing me the box.

I tried to dial the number but it wouldn't work. I wanted to see my best friend, I wanted to be with her. I wonder how she was doing raising two kids by herself. I missed Jessica a lot, I grew up with her and we promised to be by each others side forever but she was gone now. I opened the box and it had a bunch of toys, crayons and coloring book. There was a small card as well which had a locket in it. I opened the locket and saw a picture of Jace inside and on the other side it said "I'll always be watching over you, I love you Jace" I opened the locket and placed it around Jace's neck. He clutched it tight, "I love my mom too"

I saw Lauren coming towards us, "Who gave you that box full of toys?"

"MY REAL MOMMY, NOT YOU" yelled Jace.

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