Smile it's Sunnah{10}

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I woke up feeling gloomy and yearning for food. I was so hungry I haven't ate nothing the previous night for dinner. I made my way down the stairway into the kitchen and right to the fridge. It was 3am I had to be really quiet. I reached for the handle and someone grasped my hand. I screamed and screamed but shortly realized they had their hand over my mouth. I tried to get out of their awful grip but as hard as I tried I couldn't. They were really strong and I mean John Cena kind of strong. They were built and had hairy arms as well so I was guessing it was a male. The guy rubbed something on my nose and I blacked out.

4 hours later (SpongeBob narrator voice)

My legs were numb and I couldn't feel my face. My whole body was sore. Oh my allah! How long was I here? Where is my hijab? And who put me in here? I was in my room but I know it wasn't home. It was a identical replica of my room the curtains,bed,everything was the same. Instead of windows there was steel, and the wall of all my family photos and me when I was growing a up was replaced of pictures of me only. From 2 years ago up until now someone was taking distant photos of me. It's as if they were stalking me. Oh my, I BEING STALKED. How come I never noticed? As I was thinking someone interrupted my scary train of thought and loud speakers came on.
" Nora Nora Nora, my lovely Nora, I've been waiting quite awhile to meet you dear."


"That my dear you won't find out now but you will soon. After I'm through with you that is..."

I started whimpering like a little baby I was helpless, and scared and I didn't know what to do. I read ayatul kuras and prayed allah helped me through all of this.

"There there don't cry beautiful I love you to death. I always have haha"

I was scared out of my skin and the only thing I could possibly do at this time was pray. So I prayed, and prayed, until my legs were weak and even afterwards I prayed sitting until I couldn't raise my hands for almighty allah. For him to put me in a situation like this, he probably has better things in store for me. I've only realized than that I am not a good muslim. I only seek allah when I'm in need of him. "Oh allah I promise after you get me through this hardship I would better myself in every way possible" allahuma amiin.

Hello my beautiful lovelies! I'm sorry for the late upload but I just ask one favor of you. Read over my last chapter and please try to reflect yourself upon it. The last paragraph really went towards myself first and ofcourse you guys next. I am not perfect nor are you. This life is too short to not smile. Smile more, respect pops and mama, fleek your eyebrows, and always be nice to everyone.

Stay blessed~muslimah x

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