Smile it's Sunnah {8}

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My legs were so soar oh my allah. Me and my mom were shopping for the past 4 hours. I was struggling to carry 9 bags,4 in one hand 5 on the other. I was walking half way across the mall when my brother's friend decided to help me carry the bags. "Uh here lemme carry them for you". I gladly gave it to him without hesitation, what a gentleman he is. "Thank you my hands are killing me dude". He chuckled very deeply. Damn he Is actually hot. He had a trimmed beard, white pearly smile,dressed well, and was an obvi gentleman. Mashallah. There is very few in this generation, quite sad really.

We made a conversation as we head toward our car. "Shall I ask what's your name ma'am?"
He said in a posh accent. I smiled, I guess I can add a sense of humor in my list. "Nura is the name sir, and what might your name be?"
I said very properly. "Zack, Zack mohammad is the name."
He mocked. We made small talk and I found out he was somali. He was quite handsome and was of a caramel skin tone. Mashallah. We exchanged numbers and entered the car. We were in traffic for a good 2 hours. That is typical New York for you. They dropped mum and I at home and then headed to the masjid.

Hamza approached me later that night. "Sooo, my friend Zack told me you guys exchanged numbers earlier."
"Yea we did, is that a problem?"
I questioned him.
"No in fact that's great actually. I was hoping you guys would."
He chuckled. Oh so this is what that was about. The whole reason he decided to go shopping with me and mum was so his friend and I could just hit it off. "He is nice I guess, and very handsome mashallah."
He gave me a weird face,boys ugh lol. "Well I'm glad you don't mind he is somali. Goodnight sis".
Weird why would I mind? "Night please SHUT my door as you leave."
I shouted as i said shut to get it very clear.They never shut it ugh gets me so mad when they leave that little Crack open. He did as he was told and came back a few seconds later. "What do you want now?"
"Don't stay up too late talking to zackkkkkk."
He made a dreamyish in love kinda voice. "Shuddup and get out of my room fam."
God this child was annoying. He laughed and left...without closing the door. There was no point of me yelling after him so I just got up and shut it and locked it myself. I was looking out on the beautiful stars outside my window. Mashallah they were breathtaking. I was also texting zack. He was very chill. He texted me first too.

Zack~ hey, lol is this Nura ....?

Nura~yh of course who else were you expecting it to be? XD

Zack~ the president! XD

Nura~ haha I see you got jokes

Zack~ haha Ikr, whachuu doin?

Nura~getting ready for bed, hby?

Zack~ I just came from the mosque!

Nura~ I'm tired. Message me another time?

Zack~inshaa'allah goodnight x

Nura~ night x

I slowly drifted off too sleep and put my phone in charge.

Alrighttttty lol how was this chapter? It is not edited, I repeat NOT edited lol. So obviously this is not gonna be a really Islamic book with perfect practising characters it has a little spice to it. ;) pic of zack up or on the side. and please please comment about what you think on interacial marriage or dating. For example a somali and arab? Any thoughts???? Comment below my lovelies xxxx

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