"Why do you look like an oompa loompa?" He asked.

I pursed my lips, and narrowed my eyes at him. He understood I wasn't going to answer him.

"You're turn."

"Huh?" I asked confused.

"I need to stitch you up to."

"No, I'll be fine. So about what you wanted to know..." I trailed off trying to change the subject.

"Nope! You need to be stitched up first. How about this, you tell me while I fix you up," He said. If only he really could. He could fix the physical, but not the mental.

"That's not fair. You can only get one. Stitches, or info?" I asked. I wasn't too sure which one I wanted him to chose.

"Stitches," He chose immediately.


He moved us out of the room to the couch. That way we wouldn't disturb Jace. He handed me some pain medicine. I swallowed it, and within a minute I felt like numb. Wow that was strong. I didn't like the way it made me feel. I felt like I could only move slowly, and it was hard to focus. Cole got a new wash cloth, and started cleaning my wounds. He disinfected the needle, and then started at my shoulder.

"Ok, so are you going to tell me?" He asked.

My mouth felt like it was full of cotton balls, but I managed out a stubborn nope.

"Fine then just listen to me, because I think I might have figured it out. But no laughing if I'm totally off."

I nodded my head, and listened. This has got to be good.

"So your boyfriend... he has some weird stuff going on with him, right?"

I nodded.

"While I was stitching him, he was healing quickly. Cuts that would have taken weeks to fully heal were already turning into pink lines. Almost all of his injuries look like bite marks. There was missing flesh in some places, like it was ripped out by an animal. That would have definitely taken a month or so to heal, but the skin is already starting to reform, which is why I was able to stitch them up. He is healing at an extremely rapid pace. There was fur all over that clearing, and chunks of flesh just like the ones missing from his body. Coincidence?"

I shook my head. He continued on.

"The scar on your other shoulder looks like a bite mark," I looked over and saw that the sleeve was slipping down my shoulder, revealing it. "There are two deeper wider marks, marks that are caused by canines. Now how did a girl that lived with a normal family get that?"

He didn't continue on, so I knew he was waiting for an answer. I just shook my head, still watching my hands in my lap.

"Also your brother Philly, when we were at the mall he looked ready to kill me for touching you. His eyes turned black, and he really did look like he was ready to bite my head off. And that's not just a figure of speech," He paused and looked over at me. Something on my face must have told him what he wanted to know.

"I'm guessing your human, right?" I nodded my head.

"Then there is other stuff, that I don't know how they connect, but they do somehow. When you touched Jace back in the clearing his breathing evened up. When you left the room to go get the medicine, and take a shower his breathing would become pained. He started to move around more, but as soon as you returned he relaxed. Like he knew you were in the room. Also your story. It just doesn't make sense."

"I want you to say it. I've connected all the dots. I know why Jace is healing so quickly, why Philly's eye turned black. Jace's and that man's eyes probably do too. I know why there were bite marks all over Jace, fur in the clearing, and a bit mark on your shoulder. I know why it looked like there were two wolves," I shuttered at the word. He knew. "in that clearing, but instead there were two people. That's because those two people are those two wolves. Or rather were, for one of them. Now I want you to say it. I want you to say what they are."

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