The Alpha's Only Heir- Chapter Seven

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So wow, yeah... I apologize. I got caught up in the whirlwind of my life and then proceeded to have writer's block.  Hope this is worth the wait.


Tapping my finger on my head I looked at him. “I can tap into the mind link, remember?” Holding up my hand I warded off his protests. “Yes, Matthew is a touchy subject with me for obvious reasons. I was eighteen when I found him on my doorstep abandoned.”

Confusion flickered across his face, “You mean you’re not Matthew’s mother?”

“Biologically speaking- no.” Suddenly it hit me where he was going with this and I burst out laughing.

“Oh god! That’s why you don’t like me very much? You though I had a child with some random guy?” Covering my mouth I tried to slow the giggles that were still there waiting to be released.

Ducking his head he fumbled for words suddenly looking much younger. “I’m sorry. You know what they say about assuming… Guess I made an ass of myself.”

“Next time ask. I do not mention that in front of Matthew but I will talk about it otherwise. And anything else you want to know, just talk to me.”

Nodding he suddenly went back to his serious expression. He was definitely going to be a hard one to figure. “I’ll start some work here then, please feel free to come get me for lunch. Hopefully I won’t have fallen asleep just yet.”

He went to leave but just before he opened the door he looked back over his shoulder. “You know, the Alpha keeps a hidden trundle bed along the far bookcase.” With that he left leaving me wondering where the sudden niceties were coming from.


I stared for a moment at the far bookshelf for a moment until I found the catch. I caught myself before I went to it and instead took a seat at the desk again. “Kelli, could you come in here a moment?” I didn’t raise my voice but she heard me anyway, trading places with William’s shadow.

“Yes?” Without Marcus in here she smiled, just as bubbly as before. Making a mental note, I decided to ignore it for now- but I would definitely ask about that later.

“Could you do me a favor?” I waited for her to nod before I launched into my request.

“I’m looking to update the pack records for the families. I need to get a list going on all the pack families: names and ages. It’s something that should have been done every ten years but it looks like the dull duty has fallen to us women.” I gave her a weak smile hoping to fool her a bit.

“Sure, but it’s going to take me forever.” She flopped onto the chaise lounge under the window causing me to turn my chair towards her.

Laughing I got up and pointed to the whiteboard in the corner. “No, no. I’m not asking you to do it all by yourself.” I stood in front of the board and quickly sketched out a rough map of the original pack territory with a black marker, “So this is our original territory. If I divide it by each state I know people in each state; good people. If we call four people in each state to get those names and send it back to us we should have a solid base.” Still moving my hand over the white board I took the red marker to go over the new states. “Here’s the hard part; I’m unfamiliar with the outer limits here. I do believe I can get contacts there without having to visit but I most likely have to do that anyway.” I frowned as I thought of all these new people whom I haven’t met, who probably don’t even know anything about my pack except violence.

Kelley seemed to pick up on my train of thought. “You know I could always make those phone calls have them get started and set up a trip to go around in a week or so.”

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