Meet coral clan

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Coral Clan
Leader: WolfStar - Black and gray tom with blue eyes
Deputy: SwiftStream- tortious shell she-cat with amber eyes
Medicine: RainbowWhisker- dark ginger she-cat with a white muzzle and blue eyes

SnowPelt - White Tom with green eyes (mentor of AmberPaw)
MudWhisker - Dark brown tom with blue eyes (mentor of ShallowPaw)
SquirrelPool - light ginger she cat with brown eyes (mentor of MoonPaw)
LeafShadow - Gray and black tom with Amber eyes
StreamSun - gray she-cat with brown eyes and one scarred eye (Mentor of ShadowPaw)
OrangeStripe - orange dark brown tom with blue eyes
AmberStrem - light brown and white tom with Amber eyes (mentor of GrayPaw)
SpottedFeather - tortoise shell she cat with green eyes
CarrotFrost - ginger she-cat with green eyes (mentor of LeafPaw)
EchoFeather - gray tom with Amber eyes (mentor of FlowerPaw)
WoodFur - blueish gray tom with Amber eyes

FlowerPaw - pinkish white she cat with brown eyes
LeafPaw - brown and white tom with yellow eyes
GrayPaw - grey and black striped she cat with green eyes
ShadowPaw - black and white Tom with purple eyes
ShallowPaw - grey and red Tom with green eyes
MoonPaw - Dark brown and light brown striped She cat with blue eyes
AmberPaw - light brown she-cat with blue eyes

FlutterSpire- light ginger she cat with blue eyes
MouseFoot - dark brown tom with Amber eyes
OceanWhisker- dark gray she cat with brown eyes

MagnoliaFlower - grayish white striped she-cat with blue eyes
GoldenPelt - yellowish ginger she cat with green eyes

OrangeKit - brown tom with orange eyes
CoralKit - blueish gray she cat with Amber eyes
SwiftKit - white and gray striped tom with blue eyes
MapleKit - tortoise shell she cat with green eyes
ShadowKit - gray she cat with blue eyes

I would do the other 3 clans but I'm bored so yeah.... :3

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