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It's been a couple days since our movie night at Holly's and I've barely seen Jess. She's either out with Michael, double dating with Bekah and Calum or working. Even when I have seen her she's been with Michael, he hardly ever let's her out of his sight since everything has happened. I just kind of miss my best friend. But then again I guess I deserved the distance since I was such a bitch to her.

Since the guys will be in the studio recording and doing interviews all day and we all have the day off, Jess Bek and I decided to go to Bondi beach.

"We've been in Australia for over 5 months now and I still look like i've just seen a ghost, so I wouldn't be mad if we laid in this sun all day," Jess said rubbing some tanning oil on her legs.

"Well that's probably because Michael is like a vampire and is always inside and you're always with him," Bekah laughed.

Jess just shrugged and giggled along.

We laid out for a little bit and then the gossip started.

"So Bekah, did you and Cal get lost the other night at Holly's getting a drink?" I smirked.

"Let's just say he was thirsty for something else," she winked.

"OH MY GOD that kid I swear!" Jess giggled covering her eyes. "What about you Jenn! I saw you cuddled up in Luke's chest" she continued.

"Well we decided it'd be best to just stay friends since we're both leaving ya know? We stayed up and talked for what seemed like hours after you all went to sleep and then just fell asleep next to each other" I started. "I mean yeah it was nice and he makes me feel safe but we were also pretty drunk, I just don't want him to get the wrong idea."

They both just nodded in agreement.

"But enough about that, Bekah are you in Calum dating?" I asked.

"No we're just friends... well friends with benefits I guess. We hardly know each other and it just wouldn't make sense living on opposite sides of the world. So we're just having fun for now," she smiled.

Even though she smiled you could see the pain in her eyes.

"Guys I'm getting hungry, wanna go get some hot dogs from that little shack over there?" Jess asked trying to change the subject.

We all agreed and packed up our towels to head over to the line.

"Did I tell you guys that Michael got him and I tickets to go see The 1975 next week?" Jess brought up while waiting to order our food. "He surprised me with them yesterday because we've both been geeking out over their songs lately"

"Wait, don't tell me you're Michael Cliffords girlfriend?" someone said rather bitchy behind us.

We turned around to see a girl with long blonde hair smacking her gum and pulling out her phone.

"Um, yes I uh, am. I'm Jess, are you a fan of 5SOS?" Jess asked holding out her hand.

She always got nervous around fans because she would start to feel self conscious and never wanted to come between the guys and their fans.

"Pfft, please. I mean I guess you could call me a fan," she snorted. "I'm Michaels ex girlfriend, and I can tell by that ugly look on your face that he hasn't told you about me" she said putting her phone away and starting to pick at her perfectly manicured nails. Jess was speechless.

"Hmm, pity. You know he still loves me. How could he not, look at me compared to you? In fact, he told me just last weekend that he did still. Remember, after you cheated on him? Anyway he called me asking if i'd moved back to Sydney yet because he wanted to meet up with me like old times."

fallingforyou (Michael Clifford fanfic) ((COMPLETED))Where stories live. Discover now