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It was about 7:00 and Michael and I had just got back from picking up the movies, pizza, beer and candy. We decided on doing a Harry Potter marathon since they're my favorite. I heard Luke and Jenn made up but were just going to stay friends. I'm just glad her and Michael finally let us explain everything.

We sat the stuff down on the counter and made our way over to the lounge where everyone was.

"We're back!" Michael yelled for everyone to hear before plopping himself down on the sofa.

I made awkward eye contact with Jenn and she said something to Bekah who she was sitting next to before getting up and walking up to me with a small smile on her face, "Hey Jess, I just want to apologize for the way I acted. You're my best friend I should have listened to you," she explained.

I pulled her in for a long hug, "It's okay you were upset, no need to be sorry I'm just happy you don't hate me anymore," I said wiping a tear from my cheek.

"Please move back in I miss you," she asked

"Well I was actually thinking," Holly interrupted walking up behind us. "Jenn you're leaving shortly after the guys do to go back home right? Like in a month," she asked.

Jenn nodded.

"Yeah and Jess will be here for a few months after that still, so you should just ditch that apartment and move in with us! You really can't pass up free rent," she smiled hugging both of us.

"So what do you say?" she asked excitedly.

"Yes! That sounds perfect," Jenn replied.

We all giggled and told her which room she could move into. I knew Holly and Jenn weren't nearly as close as Hol and I have gotten, but I know she did that just to make me happy. I really have gotten lucky with some amazing friends out here.

"Guys come on we wanna start this marathon!" Luke whined. We laughed before grabbing the snacks and heading back to the couches.

Michael and I were cuddling on the love seat, Holly was snuggled up to Ashton on the reclining chair, Bekah and Calum were sprawled out on some blankets they put n the floor, and Jenn was sitting next to Luke on the other couch kind of awkwardly. 

We got enough beer to probably last a normal group of people a week, but the guys can really guzzle it down so we'll see how long it lasts. We all dug into the pizza and started watching the first Harry Potter.


"That's so fucking creepy, like could you imagine having someone else's face living on the back of your head, especially VOLDEMORTS!" Calum asked.


"Fear in the name only creates fear in the thing itself," I giggled and told them to shh so we could watch the rest of the movie which was now nearly over. 

"YES! GRYFFINDOR GET'S THE HOUSE CUP," Michael yelled nearly making me fall off the couch. He had never seen any of the movies before so his reactions were priceless.

We were all pretty tipsy at this point since we made the movie into a mini drinking game to keep things interesting.

"Hey do you guys wanna play another drinking game before the next movie, like never have I ever?" Ashton asked, clearly bored with the movies.

"Yeah let's do it!" Bekah said excitedly sitting up.

We all formed a circle on the blanket pile in the middle of the floor with our drinks in hand.

fallingforyou (Michael Clifford fanfic) ((COMPLETED))Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora