Chapter 22 : The Facebook Freud

Start from the beginning

It was the first thing that came to his mind. But he immediately felt guilty about it. So he added, 'Hehe..kidding! Miss you bitches too!! :*'

He decide to turn his laptop on and look at all the pictures.

Picture One : Keya and Aarav on the ice hand in hand.

Krish was happy to see this picture actually. He wanted Keya to accept Aarav and yeah she was. He scrolled down to see the comments.

Richa Shah : OMG. You guys back together???! *Bitch Mode On*

Keya Sharma : Haha Richa! No we aren't together. But the friendship is for ever. ;)

Aarav Shukla : *heartbreak* *sobs*

Keya Sharma : Drama Queen! ^

Krish decided to comment.

Krish Kapoor : You guys look good together, nevertheless :)

Keya immediately opened the thread and saw the comment. She smiled as she remembered their conversation at the airport. She liked his comment.

Aarav too saw it. He was surprised though. Was Krish really rooting for both of them?

Picture Two : Keya, Vivan, Tanya, Aarav, Aanya, Zoya and Kabir when they formed a heap on the ice. 'Hush shaa Bush shaa We all fall Down! XD'

Aarav Shukla : Tanya & Vivan << Never make plans please! Epic Fail!

Tanya Ahhuwalia : Vivan got distracted okay..he was busy concentrating on...umm.. You know right? ;)

Vivan Rathod : Umm guys? I have a rep you know?

Keya Sharma : It went down with you, you know?

Vivan Rathod : Ha Ha! Funny!

Keya Sharma : Don't cry now, that your plan failed!

Varun Rathod : Whoa Bro! This is so Idiotic!

"Who the hell is this guy calling us idiot? He is so dead..," Aanya was furious when she saw Varun's comment.

"Aanya No!," Keya shouted, "He is the younger Rathod! Vivan's lil brother."

"So? He can't speak what he likes!"

"You shut up.. Vivan will see to him! Don't mess with anyone please!," Tanya told her sister.

Krish Kapoor : Hahaha.. Who was at the bottom of this heap btw?

Keya Sharma : -.-

Krish Kapoor : Aah, then its Okay!

Keya Sharma : --|--

Aarav suggested Vivan's profile to his friends and soon he was everyone's facebook friend. Everyone was checking out the pictures uploaded by Zaid. They were mostly from the beach. There was one photo of Vivan with Keya. It touched Vivan's heart and he loved it so much that he made it his cover picture.

Picture Three : Vivan had picked Keya by gripping her waist from behind and was swirling her around when they were in knee deep water. Because of the sunlight, their images were mere shadows but the outline was very clear.

Aarav Shukla : Amazing click! Zaid, Hats Off!

Tanya Ahhuwalia : <3

"Seriously? A heart?," Keya raised her eyebrow.

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