Chapter 5: The Last Breath

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Joey's POV

Stacy wasn't breathing "DANIEL CALL 911, I'M NOT LOSING HER AGAIN." The ambulances arrived and I rode with her in the back. "I'm sorry Stacy, I'm sorry I was such a dick to you please don't die on me." They rushed her to see a doctor and Daniel and I sat in the waiting room crying. We called Meghan and Lizzie and they came right away. I told them and Daniel everything, and about how I loved her. The doctor came out "Mr Graceffa?" He asked. "Yes, is she okay will she make it, can we see her?" "Mr Graceffa Stacy got in a plane crash correct?" he asked. "Yes, and then after word  she passed out in my car." "Well Mr. Graceffa that was the first sign of something being internally wrong with Stacy." He explained. "So what are you trying to tell me?" "Mr Graceffa, Stacy is completely paralized, her whole body, she is also in a coma." he said "So will she live"? "If she does get out of the coma, she wont be able to talk or move or do anything, Mr. Graceffa she isn't dead yet, but she will be." he said "Can I see her please?" "It's not recommended but.." But I was already gone, I had to see her. I walked in and she was asleep and not moving. It looked like she was dead even though the machines were still beeping. "Stacy I'm sorry, I'm sorry I never told you I loved you. I'm sorry I was an asshole to you, I'm sorry that I never told you earlier, I loved you since the first time I saw you." "I'm sorry Stacy. I love you." "I.. L-ove Y-ou to-o" She choked out and that was her last breath. "DOCTORS SHE'S AWAKE COME IN HERE" I screamed. All of a sudden the machine went off *BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEP* "NO STACY NO" I lost it right there "YOU WEREN'T FAST ENOUGH YOU DIDN'T SAVE HER, I LOST HER AGAIN FUCK YOU." Daniel, Lizzie, and Meghan cried with me and I couldn't contain myself. "I will marry you Joey." Daniel said.  "Stacy I'm sorry."

Stacy's POV

So that's the end of the story folks, but the author sent me to finish it up and do a little damage control. Joey and Daniel ended up getting married, and living happily with Wolf and Page & Molly. They did end up happy together though I also wondered what it would have been like if we had ended up together. I'm chillin in Heaven with my fans right now, and one of them asked me, "Do you still love Joey?" "Yes, I do but he and Daniel were meant for each other, and as long as Page and Molly are happy so am I." It all worked out in the end, so quit your crying and be a man! 

Page and Molly Love You,

Go Rescue A Dog!


I'm sorry if I made you cry, or if I didn't make you cry your welcome!

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Also, if you think I should make a follow up story on the #Janiel relationship let me know in the comments!

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This was the last chapter so as always,

Good Damn Bye!

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