Chapter 3: The Flight

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Joey's POV

Daniel ran in and I thanked God that he didn't overhear my conversation with Stacy. 

"So how was your run?" He replied very cheerily, "Good but I discovered that I don't like Lana Del Ray, seriously what to do you like about her music so much?" Angered a tad pit I replied "Her music is good ok, but I don't feel up to having this fight right now." "Anyway I wanted to let you know Stacy is coming in at noon tomorrow, and I'm picking her up at the airport." "Okay" Daniel replied.  "I'm going to bed I don't feel good." I  told him.

 It wasn't a lie, i wasn't feeling the best but I really just wanted to get away from this fight. I wake up the next morning at 10:30 and decide to leave Daniel asleep, even though he was angry he watched over me during the night to make sure I was okay. He wouldn't be awake for awhile, so I decided to leave him a note as to where I went. By that time it was 11 and the airport is an hour away, and I had another person to pick up on the way. 

Daniel's POV

When I woke up I realized that I had fallen asleep watching Joey to make sure he was okay. I'm not sure where he is now, but he probably left a note somewhere. I went to the kitchen to check for a note and I found one, I read it and remembered, -He's picking up Stacy from the airport today, DUH-  I checked the clock and it was already 12 her plane must have just landed if not already there. After sitting and thinking for awhile I realized I was in my underwear and I hadn't showered, so I showered and changed. Then I realized it was 1 and Joey and Stacy should've been back by now, I text Joey and he doesn't answer which worries me even more. I decide to just sit, and wait. 

Stacy's POV

-When I wake up tomorrow I have to rush to the airport so I better pack now- I thought. As I pack my stuff and set up the pet sitting arrangements for Page,Molly, and Milquetoast, I can't help but feel excited. I'm going to LA to see Joey I haven't seen him in ages, well I've seen him over Skype but not in person. I drift off to sleep I dream about Joey, even though I know it will never happen between us. I get up at 6 to get to the airport for my 7 o clock flight and I'm late as always so I had to rush through security and the terminals to get to my gate on time. When I get on the plane I realize I didn't even have time to get food. -Thank God for plane peanuts- I thought to myself. I fall asleep and a couple hours later I wake up when they say we can start using our phones again. I text Joseph and tell him we are landing in a few minutes. 

All of a sudden the plane starts to descend down rapidly fast. The pilot says we are crashing and to not panic, but to call our loved ones. Immediatley I called Joey, when he picks up I start talking.

Meghan's POV

Joey picked me up and broke the speed limit trying to get us to the airport on time. I had flowers and a cute little sign that said "Stacy Hinojosa" with a couple of smiley faces. Joey and I were sitting and waiting when he got a text from her that her plane would be landing in a couple of minutes. After what seemed to have been literally a minute, Joey got a call from Stacy and the look on his face was very distraught as he said "I love you too Stacy". My jaw dropped -what was going on? They love each other? Joey is gay, what the hell is going on.- Joey hung up and started sobbing as he told me everything.

Joey's POV

I stopped by Meghan's house to pick her up, this would be a really good surprise for Stacy, she hasn't seen Meghan in forever. I started thinking about seeing Stacy and the promise I made to myself yesterday. -Do I still love her?- As we sat at the airport parking lot getting our flowers and our sign Meghan and I talked about everything going on in the Youtube community and all the collabs we would do with Stacy. Ding. It was a text from Stacy, it said Landing in a few minutes. Perfect, I told Meghan and we got out of the car and waited at her gate. Not a minute later I got a call from Stacy, I answered and she began to talk quickly in an urgent tone of voice "Joseph the plane is crashing and we are all going to die, I wanted to do something I wanted to do a long time ago, before I die, Joseph I love you. I've loved you ever since I first laid my eyes on you and I was waiting for the right time to tell you, I guess this is a good a time as any. Goodbye Jose..... Beep Beep, Crash. "NO STACY NO" I screamed into the phone and started sobbing. "I love you too Stacy" I said. Meghan came to see what happened and I told her everything. I told her about me deciding today whether or not I wanted to be with Daniel or Stacy, I told her about my feelings for Stacy. I told her about the call I just received in which Stacy died in a plane crash. Then I sobbed and fell to the ground, my friend Stacy was dead. 

Stacy's POV

"Goodbye Jose...." That's when we hit the ground and I fell into a sleep. When I woke up I saw bright light, -Am I in heaven?-  I asked myself. Then the ringing in my ears stopped and I saw wreckage and dead bodies, oh my god the plane crashed and everyone is dead, except me. That's when I heard voices, "There's one alive in there!" one said "Get her out of there" the other one said. Two men came in to see if I was alive and they checked me out for wounds. I was completely unscathed, how is it possible I don't know. That's when I realized that we crashed on the airport runway. I asked the two men "Am I the only one that survived?" They replied "Yes, and you are very lucky a lot of people lost their lives on this flight missy." "Go find your family" Then I remembered -I told Joey I loved him- this was going to be an interesting visit.

Joey's POV

I cried with Meghan for awhile, we were sitting at the gate that connected to the runway their plane had crashed on. The news was there and we heard rumors of one survivor, but as far as we know no one survived. All of a sudden I saw someone running toward the gate probably another family member running to find out there dearest son or daughter was dead. Then I saw the shirt, Blue and white stripes. "STACY" I screamed. "JOEY" she screamed. "MEGHAN'S HERE TOO" Meghan screamed. I ran up to her, "I thought you were dead" I said. "Joseph I'm the only survivor" She replied. Stacy kissed me all of a sudden out of nowhere. I kissed back it felt good to have her here, like she belonged here. Then I realized  the news people were filming us, they must have heard she was the only survivor. They got me on camera kissing her and they are showing it to all of LA. This is not good, all of social media will see it, and so will Daniel. 


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Well guys until next time, Good Damn Bye!

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