Chapter 3

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You nodded, repeating his name.

Yoongi. Min Yoongi.

You talked about other stuff, and you asked whether the others are also on this plane. You looked behind you and saw Jungkook, Hoseok and Jin sleeping.

You backed away in shock, you are really sitting here, with BTS. When you turned back again, your heart almost dropped into your pants.
Taehyung was squishing his face between two seats, closing his eyes tightly and showing his teeth.
You had to catch your breath, your eyes widened and you pressed your figure into your seat.
Yoongi laughed at your reaction and you hit him lightly on the arm.

"Yah, this is not funny. I was scared to death."

Taehyung lifted his face and grinned, that rectangular smile that you liked so much.
"I'm sorry. I actually wanted to scare Yoongi Hyung." He laughed and so did you after a second.
"Tae, you know I don't get scared by this anymore", Yoongi said in between giggles.
"Really, did V do this that often?", you asked, raising your eyebrows.
Yoongi nodded and Taehyung shook his head, causing the three of you to laugh again.
Then you heard another voice, the man in front of you, the snoring dude.
"I wanna laugh, too. What happened, Taehyungie?", asked Jimin and turned back to face you three.
"O-oh, hello", he added quickly and waved at you. You smiled and waved back and Yoongi literally cried because of laughter.

"Jiminie, she could feel your lack of jams. She said you got no jams when you were snoring in your sleep", he managed to say while laughing and holding his stomach. You laughed and Taehyung also bursted out laughing.
"I do have jams", muttered Jimin and turned back.

"Nonononono don't be mad at me, please. I just say this all the time when someone is kind of annoying me", you said and got up. Jimin turned around to you. "Wait, you know this really stupid pun?", he wanted to know and you sank back into your seat, nodding.

"I am a fan. I just don't want to stress you out more than needed."
"Woooooooooww you really are nice", said Jimin and smiled.

"Yah Jimin, don't think of hitting on her, I already slept on her shoulder and read texts on her phone. And I am her bias", Yoongi stated with a straight face. You looked at him, blushing.

Did he just? No way.

"Hyung, calm down. Yet, I don't have any intentions of doing this", laughed Jimin.

Yoongi didn't laugh, as if he really meant what he said.
Nonono that's just my brain that wishes for this to happen. I read too many fanfictions. I can't think straight. Wait. I saw 6 members. Where is the leader?

"Ughhh, so noisy, these kids", growled Namjoon in the row in front of you, moving around in his seat.

Speaking of the devil.

As time passed, you became more comfortable talking to them and you felt happy around them. Their faces also lit up when you talked and laughed; you just sometimes blushed when they were talking about something.. that shouldn't be heard by everyone.

"(Y/n), can I use your phone for a second? My battery died on me", Yoongi suddenly asked and you gave him your phone without a second thought. He took it and opened your camera, taking selcas and looking at the ones you already took.
"YAH-", you started but Taehyung held his hand over your mouth.

"Shhhh, we are on a plane."
You nodded but still tried to get a hold of your property. Yoongi shook his head, grinning and holding the phone out of your reach.
He typed something into your phone and then gave it back.

"Just don't show anyone."

That's what he said afterwards, grinning cutely. You simply nodded, you had no clue what he actually meant but you'd find out eventually.
The plane landed soon and you got out. BTS sticked to you, and the 8 of you walked around. Everywhere were people, taking pictures of BTS. You heard them sigh.

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