"I'm sorry, I'll try to hold myself back." He said making me laugh and of course Courtney came out to say hi. 

"Court, this is Luke. Luke this is Courtney, My boss so don't say anything bad." I said looking at him and he smirked. 

"I would never!" He said shaking her hand. "It's nice to meet you." He said smiling at her. 

"She's said nothing but good things about you." Courtney smiled and I blushed. "But you do know I'll hurt you if-" 

"I know." He cut her off. "That wont be happening." I smiled at him before looking down at the ground. "Anyway, are you ready?" He asked and I nodded, grabbing my purse before we headed over to the elevators. "She seems nice." He said laughing. 

"She just knows a lot and is looking out for me." 

"I figured." He answered as he pressed the button for us to go down. "So I didn't really plan a place for lunch because I'm a bad person but where would you like to go?" 

"I don't know, Burger King." I shrugged. 

"Really?" I nodded. "Is that where you were planning to go if I didn't ask you?" I nodded laughing. "How can you eat that stuff? Wendy's is so much better." 

"Okay sure it is, Mr. Book Store." I laughed as he threw an arm over my shoulder as we left the building. 

"No seriously, we can go to Burger King. They have good iced coffee." He said and my face lite up. 

"Yes! No one believes me! I found someone who I can trust. A good man knows his coffee." We both laughed as we made our way down the street. 

"Do you drink coffee a lot?" 

"Sometimes. I usually drink it at like 2 in the afternoon and then can't sleep at night." I answered and he nodded. 

"Have you always had trouble sleeping?" 

"Yup, since I was like fifteen." I shrugged. It has been a long hard road but I'm trying to get myself out of there and find the things that make me happy. I had to cut out every negative thing in my life. 

"How do you survive without sleeping?" I shrugged. Your body eventually get's used to the fact that you get roughly four hours of sleep a night. 

"My body is used to it. It just does it." I shrugged. "How do I know? I don't know." I said and he smiled at me. 

"You should name the cat." He blurted and I looked at him laughing a little. 

"What should I name it? Dog?" 

"Yeah." He answered and I laughed. "No seriously, Like George or something." I shook my head at him laughing. 

"I can't name it that." 

"Why not?" He questioned, offended that I didn't like the name. 

"I read this story that included two guys who barely knew each other who went on vacation together for a wedding pretending that they were dating and one of them had a dog named George." 

"I'm not seeing the issue here." He said holding the door to Burger King for me. 

"They had sex the whole time." I whispered and he burst out laughing. 

"Even better." He said laughing more as we stood in line. "Would would you like?" He asked as I looked at the menu. 

"I'll have a whopper with cheese." I answered. "And a root beer." 

"Coming right up. Do you want to find us a seat while I order and wait?" I nodded my head as I walked around trying to find a table to sit at, eventually finding one in the back corner. I watched as he ordered our food and I couldn't help but want to know every little detail about him. 

Mr. Book StoreWhere stories live. Discover now