"Oh. Damn they must be loaded!" Danielle yelled back to me.

She had a point. I myself was really surprised someone was actually moving into that house. It was close to a million dollars in price and had been on the market for over a year. The house was made of red brick and had a porch that wrapped around the bottom of the house. I figured that who ever was moving in was probably an older couple who had plenty of retirement money to spend on something as expensive as the house.

I looked back out the window. About fifty men were unloading the trucks and taking the furniture and large boxes inside the monstrous house. Several sports cars were parked in the driveway along with a van that said, Fitzpatrick Pool Cleaners.

I walked away from the window and past the kitchen yelling I was going to get a shower. I grabbed two towels from the hall closet and proceeded to my bathroom.

In the shower I let the hot water run onto my head and trickle down my body. It was nice to feel clean and the hot water was relaxing. I washed my hair with my coconut shampoo then conditioned the ends of my hair. After washing my body I hopped out of the shower and dried myself off. Wrapped in a towel I walked into my bedroom and put on some clothes. I dressed myself in a pair of white shorts and a blue and green tie-dyed t-shirt. I left my hair down to dry and put on a little make up, deodorant, and perfume. By the time I was done I could smell the pancakes that Danielle was making. I left my room and ambled back into the kitchen.

"Your food is ready!" Danielle sang as I sat down at the table. I poured some syrup on my stack of pancakes and began to eat them. I also thought it would be a good time to check my phone. I had 100+ notifications! I almost coughed up my food. I unlocked my phone and got on to Twitter. I had definitely more than a hundred notifications. Most of the comments were all the same as before. I just logged out and locked my phone.

"Gosh I hate whoever recorded me." I grumbled.

"Aw Kat it will get better." Danielle said reassuringly. "Give people a week and then I am sure everyone will forget."

I couldn't imagine being able to deal with all of this for the next twenty-four hours let alone a whole week. I signed and continued to eat my pancakes, which contained chocolate and peanut butter chips. We sat in silence and continued to eat our breakfast when the doorbell rang. I looked up from my plate of food and looked towards the front door. I began to stand up but Danielle beat me too it. She was halfway down the hall when the doorbell rang again. "I'm coming!" she shouted along with saying a few choice words. I laughed to myself and sat listening to her open the door.

There was nothing but silence. I was starting to wonder what was going on until finally someone spoke, but it wasn't Danielle.

"Mind if I come in." The deep voice sounded familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on who it belonged too. I heard footsteps and the closing of the door. "This way." I heard Danielle speak and she entered the room with the guy who had been able to make my life a living hell in less that twenty-four hours. Jackson Kirk.


"Well hi there neighbor." He sneered. I just gazed at him completely dumbfounded. I couldn't believe he was here in my house and he had the audacity to act like we were friends. I shot out of my seat and pointed my finger at him.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Wow I love how nice you treat your guests."

"I didn't let you into my house so I don't consider you a guest." My eyes narrowed on him and he continued to stand there with a smirk on his face. He was in a purple t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans and of course combat boots. "Why the hell are you here?"

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