Chapter 1

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            “You have an hour and a half to finish your exam. If I catch anyone cheating or talking I will collect your test and you will receive and automatic zero. With that being said, please remember this exam is 35 percent of your overall grade. Answer every question and good luck.”


          I wasn’t worried. This was English after all and Mr. Patrick doesn’t like to fail his students. I looked down at my paper and wrote down my name, Kassidy Anne Taylor, and the date, May 28, 2013. This was my last exam for the day and it was easy. I had to answer 25 multiple choice questions about proper grammar and write an essay on my view of texting and driving.  No need to say it only took me about an hour to finish, along with the rest of the class. “Is everyone done?” asked Mr. Patrick. No one responded and he just walked around collecting everyone’s papers. “Okay class. Thank you for a fantastic year! I hope you all have a wonderful summer and are safe. You have about 28 minutes to talk.” Right away people began to move from their seats to talk with their friends. I was going to get up but my best friend, Danielle, ran to sit in the empty chair next to my desk.

Her short blond hair was pushed back by a light blue hair band. She was in a pink shirt with ruffled layers wearing a navy cardigan to cover the straps. She had on a pair of brown sandal cork heels, which made her a little taller than me, and light blue skinny jeans that matched the headband. She looked fabulous, as always. Danielle was always pretty. She had long model legs which she flaunted. Her only flaw was her small chest. She complained about it all the time but she didn’t really fret over it. She was still gorgeous. I wasn’t ugly, but there was just a natural beauty to Danielle. There was nothing special about my brown hair and small figure. I mean I dressed nice. Like today I was wearing white skinny jeans with a purple v neck top that hugged my long torso along with a pair of black string sandals, but I still didn’t look half as fabulous as Danielle. Sure I was jealous of her sometimes but she was my best friend so I just dealt with it.

She scooted close to me and was smiling from ear to ear. “So guess what?” she said enthusiastically.

“You just won a million dollars and plan to give most of it to me because I am your best friend?”


         “Ha! I wish, but no. Something even better.” He blue eyes were like orbs and she looked like a crazy person with her eyebrows raised and her smile spread across her face.


          “I don’t know. Why don’t you tell me?”


          “Well remember that time you had to go to the orchestra with your parents and you begged me to go because you didn’t want to go all alone?”


         “Umm yeah. But that was in like seventh grade.”


        “That doesn’t matter. The fact of the matter is I went because you wanted me to. So I think that it would only be fair if you returned the favor.”


          “What are you talking abo..”


        “I GOT TICKETS AND BACKSTAGE PASSES FOR THE JACKSON KIRK CONCERT!” She was bouncing up and down it took me a second to process what she had said. Jackson Kirk, the teenage heartthrob who was known for his original music about love, life, and the female species. I honestly don’t believe he writes his own music. Not many artists do nowadays.

He was the god of music according to many girls between the ages of seven to twenty. Girls went crazy over him. Danielle was one of those extremely obsessed fans. She knew everything about him; his birthday, height, weight, his parents’ names and siblings, favorite color, eye color, and even the app he uses the most on his phone. I hated him though. I thought he looked fake with his black hair, leather jackets, and sunglasses that seemed to be permanently glued to his face. At least on almost every single poster. He looks like he is trying to hard to be cool. He’s known for his bad reputation too. According to magazines he has done things such as punching a waiter in the face when the waiter brought him the wrong salad dressing.

However, I instantly felt bad. My best friend was sitting here, looking happier than ever and I was mentally raining on her parade. It’s not my fault I don’t like him. I mean I have tried and tried to listen to his music but I really can’t. Still caught up in my thoughts Danielle snapped her fingers in my face. “Did you hear me?”

“Of course.” I replied now that I was back to reality. “I think everyone heard you.” I gave her a warm smile.


“So what?”

“Kat don’t play dumb.” Kat was my initials and my nickname.

“I am not playing dumb.”

“Well then answer me!”

“I don’t know…” Her smile faded a little and she looked hurt. I was seriously feeling like crap. And then I decided to make a decision I would hate myself for. “But I guess.”

“YAY!” She shouted. She hugged me and I hugged her back. “Thank you so much Kat! Oh it is going to be so fun! We have to go shopping and get cute outfits so we look hot when we get to meet Jackson!” I just smiled and pretended to be excited. “Umm when is it?” I asked.

“What the concert?”

“No the apocalypse. Yes the concert.” I laughed.

Her eyes opened up as if she realized something really important, “Oh my gosh! It’s this Friday! I mean I knew it was but I didn’t realize that Friday was the day after tomorrow! Well look at it this way, it’s going to be a great way to kick off the summer!”

I just grinned from ear to year wishing I could kick myself in the butt for even agreeing to this. At that moment the bell rang and Danielle grabbed my hand and dragged me out of class. “We have to go shopping!” she sang and we left school and headed for the mall.


So what do y’all think? I am really excited to start writing this! Whether people read it or don’t. So I am going to post chapter two shortly. Like within the next 48 hours. Maybe even 24. I really hope y’all like it!  Please vote and comment! Follow me I will follow you! Thank you so much for reading!


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