Chapter 3

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Telling off Jackson Kirk felt good. I knew what I wanted to say and I knew exactly how I wanted to make him feel. And I had successfully accomplished that. However, I wish that I knew then what the repercussions would be. Some of the girls who were in line at the meet and greet recorded my outburst and posted it online. And I would have been okay with that since they didn't know who I was but, Danielle had given them her twitter name and they looked me up through her. Now most of the Jackson Kirk twitter population was spamming me:

"Wow @girlnamedK.A.T you are such a bitch!"

"Obviously @girlnamedK.A.T doesn't know what good people look like because if she did she wouldn't have acted so immature. What a bitch..."

But I would have to say this one was my favorite: "F**K YOU @girlnamedK.A.T!" It was short, sweet, and to the point.

The hatred I possessed for Jackson Kirk bubbled inside of me. I don't think I had every felt such abhorrence for a person like I did Jackson Kirk. He made me sick to the stomach and I wished nothing more than for him to drop off the face of the earth. Besides, if it wasn't for him I would not be in this situation, nor would I be the most hated girl on the planet.

It was currently six in the morning and I was still awake from the night before. Danielle was passed out on my bed. I couldn't sleep. The messages started at about midnight and I got a new one about every thirty seconds. I wasn't upset though, just annoyed because these people didn't seem to realize I didn't care. I didn't even bother giving them the satisfaction of a reply. I just waited for my phone to vibrate and inform me I had yet another notification.

My phone went off and I ignored it this time. I turned the ringer off and quietly left my bedroom. I tip toed down the hallway passed my mom's room and walked into the kitchen. I navigated myself past the island and towards the sliding glass door that would take me outside. The sun was beginning to rise so I walked out into my backyard and laid down in the hammock that was underneath one of the several trees in my yard. I watched as the sky slowly faded from dark blue to yellow and orange. As the hammock rocked me back and fourth, I closed my eyes and let the world around me drift away.


"Why the heck are you sleeping in the hammock?" someone said while violently shaking me awake. I tried to open my eyes but it was so bright outside that I wound up trying to turn myself over to cover my eyes. The hammock seemed to rock too much and I fell onto the ground. "Kat! Are you okay?" It was Danielle.

"What time is it?" I mumbled.

"A little after eight. Your mom just left for work but you weren't in the room when I woke up so I went searching for you. And here you are!"

"Oh. Yeah sorry about that."

"It's whatever. Come on lets go inside and I'll make you breakfast."

Still on the ground I looked up at her, "You never make breakfast. Why are you willing to now?" She glanced away and casually reached behind her and pulled my phone out of her back pocket. "Ah I see. And I am guessing so did you?"

"Yeah." She extended her hand and I grabbed it. She pulled me up. "I am really sorry I made you come to that concert. If you hadn't come you wouldn't be under so much fire and hate from all of his psychotic fans."

"No it's okay!" I insisted, "He deserved it and I don't regret it at all."

When we were back inside, we heard a loud noise coming from outside. "What was that?" I just shook my head and walked into the living room to look out the window. Across the street, three moving trucks were parked out in front of the giant brick house that was apparently no longer for sale. "Oh it's just someone moving into the house across the street."

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