Chapter 2 【Welcome To Slytherin】

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Chapter 2

Autumn held her breath as she watched students, one by one, walk to the sorting hat.






The raspy voice of the sorting hat seemed to bring uncomfortable chills that lingered across her arm.

“Greene, Autumn!”

She gulped one last time before she moved through the crowd and towards the seat. She wished, hoped, prayed that she would be in Ravenclaw like her brother. Then she remembered what Rufus said to her before.

“The sorting hat sometimes takes your choice into account. Not always but usually.”

The thought began to relax her a little before she sat down. The sorting hat was slowly being dropped on her head. She shut her eyes and thought in the darkness, ‘Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw! Please just let me get this over with already!’

“You don’t seem to be that smart…” The hat began. There was an eruption of laughter and giggles from the crowd of students. Autumn refused to open her eyes no matter how flushed her cheeks were becoming. “By the way you’re shaking, you aren’t very brave…” She didn’t notice her trembling when she was so focused on being in Ravenclaw. She really just wanted to sit on Ravenclaw’s table. She didn’t want to spend too much of her time up here. “Quite impatient aren’t you?”

Autumn felt a knot in her stomach when she realized he went through every house except for-

“Slytherin!” The sorting hat said at last. She opened her jade eyes at last and felt sweat. There was a soft clapper from the Slytherin table. They were disappointed they had to get someone as pathetic as her.

She slowly trudged away from the sorting hat and towards the table. She sat down in the middle of the table. Some gave her thin smiles before ignoring her and turning their attention back at the hat.

How could this happen to her? All this time she was talking with Rufus about how she would make Ravenclaw proud but instead she ended up in Slytherin, the house that has the most people in Azkaban. She dropped her head on the table and hid a look of disgust and tears.


Harry, the boy who Autumn met before, stared at her with pity. He watched her nervous face transform into a red and startled face.

 To end up in Slytherin of all houses.

The thought even gave him chills. After seeing the look on her face he really didn’t want to end up in there.

A few more names were called.


When they began to call out the ‘P’s, Harry gulped.

“Potter, Harry,”

Everyone began to whisper. Even Autumn lifted her head up. She had heard stories about him from Rufus. He survived from He-Who-Should-Not-Be-Named. He supposedly deflected You-Know-Who’s attacks causing him to run away in terror and shame. She really wanted to meet him!

She gasped as she watched the boy who she asked at King’s Cross.

He was The Harry Potter?!

The Boy Who Lived was him?

Autumn watched with much interest at the sorting of Harry.  

“Not Slytherin? Why, you would be fit for Gryffindor!” The hat announced. Gryffindor roared with claps and screams.

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