Snow Duels!

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"HITAMACHI!!!!" Serena screamed.  "GET BACK HERE! "

Sinn looked back at the girl chasing him.

"What do you think I am? Crazy? HELL NO!" He yelled back.

Seikaku and Isolde just watched as they chased each other , their duel disks activated and monsters clasing.

"Its like a dog chasing it's tail." Isolde muttered to Sei." They're not going to stop until they're all tired out."

"50 yen on Serena!" Sei called out.


"Heh.." Sei sweatdropped.

.......... ..

*how I think it's gonna end*

Sinn crossed his arms as the Academia doctor withdrew the thermometer.

"Yep, you have the flu." She said.

"Now that just a huge bruise to my pride." He muttered. "Serena's never going to let me live this down."

"Get to bed, you need plenty of rest."

Sinn left the hospital ward, and Serena was waiting for him, her smirk annoying the hell out of Sinn.

"How was it, Hitamachi?"

"Shut up, Cat." He replied, walking away.

Serena smacked him upside the head as he walked pass.


Long story short, Sinn lost, and Isolde is going to give him her own talking to. XD

Isolde is to Tess as Serena is to Takahashi. XD I'M ON A ROLL!

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