Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

I ended up at the park where Harry and I exchanged our first few 'I love you's.' I reached the swings and collapsed in the grass, crying even harder. It was pretty late, so no one was here to see me break down. All I wanted was to be in Harry's embrace and listen as he whispered sweet nothings into my ear. But he's happy with Louis now, and I can't do anything about it.

I thought I was happy with Hunter, too. I was falling for him more every single day we spent together, except now, I'm not too sure.


I snapped my head in the direction of the sound.

"Niall!" Harry shouted, jogging across the field. I scrambled back and smacked my head on the metal pole behind me.

"Shit," he mumbled, bending down to inspect the damage. "You aren't bleeding. Are you dizzy?"

"No," I answered, pushing his hand away.

Harry lifted my chin, his mouth hanging open when he saw the previous injuries I had received, "Who did this to you?"

I groaned, standing up, slowly, "No one."

"There's a hand print around your neck, for fucks sake!" he exclaimed.

"Stay out of my business," I snapped.

"I'm your-"

I stared at him, tears streaming down my face, "You're my what?"

Harry shook his head, his gaze locked on the ground, "Liam called me. He told me to look for you."

"Well, you found me, so I'll be on my way," I spat, brushing past him.

"Stop! Damn it, Ni! What do you want from me?"

"Why didn't you fight for me?" I cried. "If you would've just apologized in the first place, I'd be by your side in a heartbeat. I was listening at the hospital, you know. You love me, even if you're in denial right now."

"It's too late..." Harry muttered.

"No, it's not," I disagreed.

He used his hands for emphasis of his frustration, "I don't know what to do!"

"Fight for me, you bloody idiot!" I yelled, louder than I expected.

"Fight for me," I repeated, quietly, taking the few steps between us and smashing my lips on Harry's.

"I love you," he spoke, keeping barely a centimeter between our faces.

"You love Louis, too," I replied and walked away, leaving him standing there in the middle of the park.


My mum gasped, pulling me into a tight hug as soon as I entered the house, "What happened to you, Ni?!"

"It was just a misunderstanding," I said, returning it. "Don't worry about it, okay?"

"How am I supposed to pretend that I'm not concerned about you? You barely talk to me anymore and whenever Greg comes to visit, you're somewhere else. Now you show up on a Friday night with bruises all over and you're telling me not to worry?!"

I sighed and tried to sound convincing, "I'm sorry, mum! I haven't been keeping track of time very well. It won't happen again, I promise."

She eyed me, warily, but nodded and went into the kitchen. I made my way up the stairs and jumped on my bed. I took my phone out of my pocket, frowning at the number of missed calls and text messages I had from Zayn and Liam. I taped on the app and replied to the both of them.

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