Chapter XV

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     It was approaching sunset. I was standing in the rotunda of the brand-new Grand Forum, where representatives from all over the world came to debate. Citizen, representative, rebel, ex-loyalist, Christian, Muslim... all of these lost meaning under the brilliant gleam of newfound justice and liberty. Everyone here was equal—in all respects, absolutely equal. Everyone was milling around, chattering excitedly amongst themselves, admiring the new building. I was among their ranks that warm May evening. I stood in the middle, looking up at the larger-than-life statue of Demetrius under the gentle glow of the setting sun. Aurelia sidled up to me, giving off an air of quiet grace.

     "Are you all right, Jack?" she asked, rubbing my back gently. I nodded.

     A few months back, I had been unanimously elected as President of the new global nation of Pacem, the successor of Omnimundi. My first order of business was to go to New Harlan to give Demetrius the hero's burial that he so richly deserved.

     After that, I returned to the city of Pacem. I began my radical redesign of the government, beginning by guaranteeing the citizenry their basic human rights and ordering the construction of a Grand Forum, where the voices of the people could be heard. They were happy to oblige, building the Forum in record time.

     While all this was going on, Aurelia and I grew closer together. Feelings grew between the two of us, to the point that there was only one course of action.

     When the Forum was completed, I gave the people a royal wedding. I married Aurelia on the steps of the Forum, a ceremony witnessed by hundreds of thousands of citizens. As I kissed her, the crowd erupted in a wild cheer. Photographs were taken by the thousands, to be kept for posterity. The citizenry went all-out in their celebrations that night. Fireworks were launched, taverns gave out free liquor, and there was dancing in the streets. Never had I seen a group of people so deliriously happy.

     Now my latest, and so far most controversial, order of business was about to come to pass. I had ordered the formal cremation of Marko Ravmir's body, to be burned at the base of the Forum stairs. Many people objected, saying that a monster such as Ravmir did not deserve such a ceremony. I stood my ground, and the protests soon subsided. Some in the Forum still objected, though.

     "Jack," Aurelia said, "it's time." I nodded again and straightened my tie. I had forsaken my usual hat and coat this night, opting instead for an exquisite double-breasted suit and tie. It seemed more fitting for the occasion. Aurelia led me out of the front doors of the Forum and to the podium set up at the top of the stairs. I could see Marko's shriveled body lying atop a large pile of wood bundles, surrounded by grim torchbearers. Aurelia stood by my side. I looked out and saw a great crowd of people, all gathered in solemn silence. As the cameras trained on me, I cleared my throat and began to speak.

     "Ladies and gentlemen, citizens, countrymen, I thank you all for gathering here this evening. We are here tonight to lay to rest the body of Marko Ravmir, and with him all the pain and suffering that he has caused these past five and a half centuries.

     "I did not respect Marko in life any more than any of you here tonight. In fact, when I found Harlan Camp, and when my dear friend Demetrius told me what he had done, I was horrified. From that moment on, I had a deep-seated loathing for Marko. When I found out that he was still alive, my feelings were compounded.

     "However, just before Demetrius died, he looked his former enemy, Commander Lysander, straight in the eye, and told him three simple words: 'I forgive you.' He forgave Lysander for betraying him in the First Storming of Omnimundi. All of us present were stunned by his action and did not understand. Now, however, I do. Demetrius was moving on from this world, and he did not wish to have the burden of hatred weighing him down.

     "I beg of you all tonight to do the unthinkable: Forgive Marko Ravmir. We cannot bear long the burden of hatred against him; it is indeed a heavy burden. If we do not shed this burden, then we cannot move forward from this day. 

     "I implore you to find it within yourselves to forgive this man. It is in forgiveness that we can move on, and it is in moving on that we can find redemption."

     I withdrew from the podium in silence. I gave the signal, and the torchbearers touched their flames to the pyre. The flames quickly grew, consuming the body of Marko Ravmir, releasing it into the sky to join with the countless poor souls that he had sent there. The flames crackled and shone in the night. The crowd looked on in solemn silence. As the flames began to die, the crowd dwindled. Soon all that was left was Aurelia and I, gazing silently into the embers where Marko had once laid.

     I looked up into the clear night sky. I knew that I had done the right thing.

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