Chapter XI

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     It was very close to midnight, but Deep Vault was abuzz with activity as we prepared to go to war. Andronicus was off giving radio codes to the communications officers so that they could send the message to the remainders of the Resistance. Aurelia and the rest of the New Harlanders were off receiving a crash course in weapons handling. All around us, ships were being fitted, jets and trucks loaded, rockets primed, and workers were scrambling back and forth. Meanwhile, Demetrius, Lysander, and I were in the control room, discussing strategy. I leaned back in my chair, listening while Demetrius and Lysander kept bickering over every last detail.

     Eventually, by bits and pieces and compromise after compromise, a plan began to take shape. We agreed that we would arrive on the night of November 26th, with the Deep Vault Fleet covering the seaside of Omnimundi while the natives covered the land side. Weapons would be distributed to the natives as we arrived. At dawn, we would begin a barrage of the city that would last until ten AM. We would then send a delegate in to negotiate a ceasefire. If they refused, Omnimundi would be erased from the map. It was simple but effective. The last hang-up was who would be the delegate. Demetrius and Lysander nearly came to blows over it. I had to intervene.

     "Send me in," I said. They both looked at me in stunned silence. They both began to protest, but I silenced them.

     "I represent the cause without being from either side," I explained. "If the natives sent the delegate in, then Deep Vault would be upset, and vice versa. Sending two is more risk than we need to take. Logically, it would be best to send me." After some consideration, Demetrius and Lysander both agreed. Having settled the plan, Demetrius went to go forward it to Andronicus and the New Harlanders, and Lysander to his troops. I shuffled over to the cot they had provided for me and collapsed onto it, not even bothering to remove my hat and coat. I was asleep in an instant.


     I was back in the bar. It was the same garish lighting, same atmosphere of misery, even the same drink in my hands. I was about to celebrate when the bartender came up to me. He leaned on the bar and looked at me.

     "So, you're going to war, huh?"

     "Yes," I said, taken aback. The bartender laughed quietly as he polished a glass.

     "And what makes you think you'll possibly stand a chance?"


     The bartender slammed the glass down. "You're incompetent, Jack! You're nothing! You are weak!" the bartender roared. I began to protest, but he cut me off. "You let that poor family die on your watch, Jack. And now you will watch your friends die under the terrible roar of the guns of Omnimundi."

     As he spoke, he changed. He was no longer a bartender. He was now a hulking vulture, but his head was that of the man in the portrait- same long hair, same pale skin, same cruel smile. The bar folded away around me, leaving me in a barren wasteland. He let loose an unearthly laugh and took to the skies, circling above me.

     I let loose a scream of terror.


     I awoke to see Lysander standing above. He wore a look of concern.

     "Jack," he said, "are you all right?"

     "Yes," I said, calming myself.

     "Well, get up," Lysander said. "We're boarding now." I got up and followed him to the docks.

     Like the hangar, the docks had been cleverly concealed behind a rock face. The docks were a massive array of piers and cranes, accommodating all manner of ships and submarines. Jets were being loaded onto carriers and rockets were loaded into submarines. Lysander led me to the ship that was going to lead them all: the DVS Glory. It was not a very big ship, but I could tell it was the most important. It seemed to be an appropriate name for the occasion. I boarded and made my way to the prow of the ship.

     The great gates of the dock opened before me. I heard the distant rumble of the engines, and we slowly began to make our way forward. The men on the ships began to sing. I did not know the tune or the song, but I guessed it was either their anthem or a sailing shanty.

     We set forth into the open sea.

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