Chapter XIII

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     The robotic guards escorted me down a different corridor. We stopped in front of a blank wall. One of the guards stepped forward and pressed a spot on the wall. A small panel slid up, revealing a password lock. The guard pressed some buttons and the wall lifted, revealing a mining lift. The guards shoved me aboard, and we began to descend.

     We rode downwards for a long while. None of us spoke a word. Meanwhile, my head was spinning with shock from the President's suicide and wondering about where we were going. The lift stopped with a jerk. The door opened, revealing another, impossibly long corridor. This one, however, was much more industrial, much like a hospital's. The guards pushed me forward and escorted me down to the end of the corridor. There was a simple wooden door. One of the guards knocked.

     "Come in," a languorous voice said from inside. The guard opened the door and pushed me in. I was in a study. Tall bookshelves lined the walls, each crammed to capacity, much like Demetrius' room. In front of me was a large chair, its back facing me. Someone was sitting in the chair, but I couldn't tell whom.

     "You may go, guards," the voice said. A hand appeared, dismissing them. The hand was missing its pointer finger...

     Horror clenched at my chest and throat. No. It couldn't be...

     We were alone in the study. The guards had closed the door behind them. The figure stood to face me, wearing a fine red robe and loose white clothes.

     He had the same long, flowing hair, same pale face, cruel smile, piercing eyes... 

     It was the man from the portrait.

     Marko Ravmir was alive and well.

     He chuckled as he observed my horror. "Yes, Jack. I am Marko Ravmir," he said in that same languorous voice. He almost sounded bored. 

     "How... how..." I gaped.

     "How am I still alive?" he finished. He shrugged. "I'm immortal."

     I nearly collapsed in shock.

     "Long before I seized Washington, D.C., I knew that my grand plans for global unity would be doomed to fail if I did not hold control for as long as possible," he explained matter-of-factly. "My reeducation camps provided the perfect opportunity. My secret crew of scientists brought a select few prisoners here for study and experimentation. It took a great deal of trial and error, but in the end they succeeded, unlocking the secrets of eternal life. I was immediately treated, extending my reign of power indefinitely." Marko stopped and sighed. "As time went on, I realized that my people would not be happy to have an immortal leader. It would breed too much resentment. For that reason I pretended to die, handing over the Presidency to my successor. However, all these years I have remained in the background, controlling each President's actions. While the people thought they had a series of Presidents, they were in reality extensions of myself. I have been the true President all this time."

     For a while I could not speak. My mouth opened and closed, but nothing came out.

     "You... you monster!" I spat out. Marko seemed mildly offended.

     "Me? A monster? I should think quite the opposite. I took a world consumed by hatred and violence and transformed it into a peaceful, unified planet. From chaos, I created order. And now here you are, making a rash attempt to undo what I have done. You are trying to throw the world back into chaos and disorder. You, Jack Flint, are the real monster."

     "But at what cost?" I shouted. Marko raised his eyebrows.

     "Pardon me?"

     "At what cost did this peace and order come from? The lives of billions of men, women, and children who refused to bow down to you and your psychotic vision!"

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