Chapter 8: Writer's Block

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Let's be honest; all writers worst fear is writer's block. Halfway through your book and your mind becomes blank. What's supposed to happen next? I usually take a break from the book to clear my head for awhile. It's okay to do that, but you can't stay away forever. Eventually you have to keep writing, even if you still have writer's block. 

Most of the time, you don't have writer's block because you can't think of what to do next. It could be timing. It might not be a good time to get your ideas on paper. It could also be fear. You are afraid of writing down your ideas, because you think people will judge it. Lastly, it could be perfectionism. You want everything to be just right the first time you write it down. 

You won't get it right the first time, but just try writing some possible solutions down. That will get your brain thinking.

The first step in getting over writer's block is to take a break from writing. Here is some ideas:

-Go for a walk

-Do something to get your blood flowing (exercise)

-Play (sports or toys)

-Read a book

-Listen to music

-Call an old friend

-Create a routine

-Brew some coffee

-Read some inspriring quotes

-Spend time with someone who makes you feel good

-Brainstorm ideas with bullet points

This is what you do not  do to overcome writer's block:

-You can't refuse to write until you feel inspired.

-Don't wallow in self pity.

-Don't procrastinate or make excuses

-Don't sit and watch TV for hours

Here is the big shocker:

You overcome writer's block by writing.

Write anything you want to write. It doesn't matter if it relates to your story. Just write whatever your mind tells you to write. It gets your thinking cap on quicker than anything else. 

That's all the advice about overcoming writer's block!


Would you rather win the lottery or find the perfect job?

Both are very good, but I would rather find the perfect job, because then I won't hate going to work everyday. 






-kykendall <3


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