"It was Nekwozowa-Sempai's idea. He's the one who told us today was your birthday. I felt rather foolish for not knowing already." Kyoya says. It was all wonderful. People who normally hated me where nice and everyone was smiling and the decorations were beautiful. There was just one thing that was missing.

"Where's Tamaki?" I ask. The group of boys took a step or two back. None of them answered. I looked at Kyoya, but he looked away.

"Honey, where is Tamaki?" I asked the small blonde, bending down so we were eye to eye.

"We asked him to come, all of us did. He refused to, even getting into an argument with Kyoya. He said he didn't want to spend time with you. I'm sorry Rose-chan." He says sadly. My smile became forced.

"It's alright Honey. We can have fun without Tamaki." I say.

"You're not upset?" Hikaru asks surprised. I stood up straight.

"I'm used to it." I simply said. I looked over my shoulder at him. He looked like he was going to say something, but something about my facial expression must have changed his mind.

"Let's all cheer up and have some fun. This is no time to be gloomy. Today is meant to be fun right? I don't want anyone less than happy right now. Come on." I say and start walking to the crowd of people and without thinking I say, just loud enough for them to have heard, "It's our birthday after all."

Right after I said it, I realized what I said. Our birthday. I stopped walking for a moment. I used to same similar things to Elda on our birthday, she always got a little nervous about messing up some how at her party. It always had to be perfect after all. I looked back at the boys.

"It's my party, but it's still our birthday. That will never change. Me and Elda. Come on though. Smiles boys." I say and star a random conversion with a girl I don't even know about some actor I know nothing about.

~1 1/2 hours later~

"Bye!" I say to the last person leaving. I go and sit between Kyoya and Umehito on the couch.

"I'm tired again Kyoya." I say and look up at him and he chuckles.

"I'm helping to clean up, do try and stay awake. Don't want to mess up your sleeping anymore than it already is." He says and kisses my forehead and walking away. I look over at Umehito.

"Yes, fine." He says with a sigh.

"Thank you Umehito-chan." I say and lay my head in his lap, and start to fall asleep.

"Kyoya, where's Rose?!" I hear Tamaki say and my eyes snap over and I sit up my eyes darting over to the tall blonde.

"Tamaki?" I ask and he whips his head over to me and runs over, hugging me.

"I'm sorry Rose! I was such a jerk and you've had such a hard year! Losing your sister right before moving here and then losing your mother too and-"

"How do you know about my mom?" I ask , cutting him off.

"Someone called the house asking for you, because you wouldn't answer your phone so I wanted to know why they wanted and the person told me." He answered.

Someone dropped whatever they were holding and I looked over at the sound, Kyoya. He looked shocked and mad and sad and confused and so many other things all at once. I stood up, I could feel tears coming to my eyes from just thinking about my mum. I walked to the door, but Kyoya grab my hand.

"Is that what you wouldn't tell me about?" He asked in a whisper.

"Yes." I answered, almost shamefully. He spun me around and hugged me tightly.

"I love you Rose. I love you a lot, okay?" He whispers in my ear. His warm breath tickled my neck as I hugged him back.

"I love you too Kyoya." I say into his chest. He kisses the top of my head then allows a bit of space between us and lifts up my chin, looking me in the eyes.

"And remember. You can always tell me anything." He says and kisses me softly.

"OH GET A ROOM YOU TWO!" HIKARU SAYS AND I turn my head and stick my tongue out at him.

"Oh grow up Hikaru!" I say back and everyone laughs.

A/N: So this is a filler chapter, but it isn't. Sorry for taking so long to update. Uhh any recommendations for anything?

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