Is that a Body?

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This story contains spoilers and can only be understood if you know the surrounding and buildings and what happens in 'Dangan Ronpa 2: Goodbye despair'.

There are swear words where necessary as in these kind of situations you are bound to let out a few swear words, so there only there to add the realistic effect. But I like to think I dont overdo it

This will be an alternative ending starting a day before the last murder scene. So if you don't want to know who the last victim is I highly recommend not reading this and good luck when you find out because you have a depressing future ahead of you full of tears..... :(

Your First Name: f/n

Your Last Name: l/n

Hair colour: h/c

Eye colour: e/c


Walking back to my cottage I recall the day's events: we had just looked at the final island, Kazauichi was pretty excited about all the technology, as was I. Since I was the Ultimate Designer the island had reminded me of all the factory's which made my designs: Dolls, Bears and even different types of furniture. I liked to design many different things as I found it fun to experiment and see what my audience (citizens) would find entertaining and enjoy.

Looking out at the glistening sea, I notice a body laying down.

My first reaction was "Oh Shit! Another murder has occurred". Running down towards the body, I tripped landing in the face-first into the sand.

Looking up I saw a mess of h/c hairs in my face, brushing them aside I take a glimpse of what is ahead of me, scared of what I may uncover. Focusing my gaze, I see the body's head start to tilt toward me. Screaming, I begin to scramble away as fast as I can.

Then out of nowhere, the body asked: "Hey, are you ok?"

Staring in disbelief of the thought that a dead body was talking, I realised that it was just Nagito waking up from a deep sleep. Breathing heavily, I started to laugh. The boy looks at me, unsure of what was funny. Trying to catch my breath I take a big sigh, then whisper with relief "Omg... I thought you were dead".

Nagito crawled up to me, then with an honest yet slightly confused face started to ask me "Why would it matter if someone like me was dead?"

My laughter suddenly stopped, his sparkling grey eyes stared at me. Time held still allowing me to see the reflection of the whole ocean in his orbs.

I went to move my mouth, but something felt caught in the back of my throat, stuttering I managed to squeeze out the word "Huh?".

Screaming at myself in my head, I thought 'Is that all I can say, how much of an idiot am I! Just "Huh". Is that all I am capable of, a "Huh". Urrgghhh, Baka Baka Baka Baka Baka'. I eventually I manage come back into reality to see Nagito staring out to sea mumbling to himself.

"Nagito?" I say trying to catch his attention.

Taking no notice of me he continued murmuring "Despair, that's all we know, Despair, we are Ultimate Despair, Hahaahahaa".

Clutching his stomach, he starts laughing uncontrollably. Does he know something I don't? I mean, he isn't the type of person to share his opinions. Slowly I back away slightly afraid and run towards my cottage.

Soon after I arrive, a notice came on the monitor, "Ding Dong, Bing Bong. Ahem... Hope Peak Academy's School Trip Executive Committee has an announcement to make... It is now 10 pm. Please retreat to your rooms and remember to lock your doors as you may get assassinated tonight... Hehe".

Staring blankly at the screen, I cursed that stupid bear and hid under the sheets. Closing my eyes, I pictured Nagito's face and his glittering eyes, which were so enchanting earlier, I believe they are the cause of my fantasies. How is it possible for such beautiful orbs to exist? "Urgh" I groan hiding under my sheets, I must stop thinking about him, it's too embarrassing. I recall when he looked away taking no interest in me at all, I get annoyed but then realise something. I never told Nagito that I didn't want him to die, I just got so caught up in the moment, but it's not my fault, his eyes are just too god damn beautiful. My emotions start to run riot inside my head caused my face to get flustered. Suddenly I blurted out "Screw you just die". Embarrassed and hot, I sank into my bed and fell into a deep sleep.

**Your dream**

I saw the timer in Jabberwock Park, it just changed to from 3 to 2, "huh wait what's happening" I mumble, looking around I see everyone in a group talking amongst themselves and then Nagito who was standing alone with a knife. I run towards Nagito telling him to stop but then realise he's not going towards the group, but just standing there. Staring, I look at him, trying to break away from my fixation. The group starts calling your name "L/n !! Quickly L/n! Come now". Managing to avert my gaze, I see the group gesturing for me to come to them. But a part of my body resists as I notice Nagito, who is looking down holding the knife whispering, slowly walking over to him I put my hand on his shoulder, ignoring the other who's screams were getting more desperate. Nagito quickly looks up at me, his eyes pleading for help yet his mouth making the biggest grin as he lifted the knife and.....


Well I hoped you enjoyed that more and will be coming, Please tell me if you enjoyed this chapter, I understand there wasn't much love but don't worry there will be I am sure, but you just have to wait and see what happens :3

Sorry if you don't like the fact that you're an Ultimate Designer, I just need that for the storyline that I have in my mind to work out, oops was that a spoiler, soorrrrie hehe.

Lunanime xx

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