Esri asked, "And without the Mending, the Violent Ones kept on with their ways and they were the ones to leave Africa?"

"Perhaps, or more likely both the Violent Ones and Flat Rocks bodes spread out, forming different cultures around the world and throughout Africa. If the Violent Ones grew and spread, so too did their aggression and brutality that we see in our world today," said Thomas.

"As important as weakening the influence of Violent Ones, your Mending is also about strengthening the peaceful, sharing ways of Flat Rocks," said Clea.

"I've thought about that a lot, the Agreements, and how the Toba volcano eruption, though it was really bad, gave people the chance for a fresh start. It's kind of a miracle that Zura and Nagar were among the survivors and that they found each other," said Esri.

Clea said, "I agree. They shared a vision, but you and many others at Flat Rocks made it a reality."

"And do you think I'll stop dreaming about Flat Rocks after the Mending?" asked Esri. "I want to. I want my life to get back to normal, though I'm not sure what that is anymore. At the same time, the people at Flat Rocks are a part of me now. I'll miss them and I want to know what happens to them."

Clea nodded, "It's quite possible that you'll stop dreaming after tonight, unless the Parting doesn't happen or something extraordinary occurs. I know how hard it is to leave behind the people of your Mending. But you'll always remember them." She patted Esri's arm. "You've done well, Esri."

Thomas said, "Yes, my dear. I wish this old body could be of greater use to you."

"You've both done tons. I would've made a mess of the whole thing without you. But, one thing, explain to me again. What happens to history if the Mending works?"

Clea said, "The changes start from our time now. It doesn't affect who has lived and died in the past. That would be too disruptive. People's attitudes start to change. It's like an awakening. People begin questioning their behaviour and gradually shift their actions."

"Wow, I hope I get to see that!"

"You will. It will seem at first like nothing is happening, but then small signs will start showing up and you will begin to see lots changing all around you."

"But then things stopped changing with your Mending?"

"Yes, sadly, so much seemed to be shifting for the better for a while, but then the Disruptors started gaining traction again. Let's hope we can push them away more permanently this time."

"I'll do everything I can. Thank you both. I think I'm ready," said Esri. "I better get going. I told Dad I was going to hit the indoor track at the rec centre before I come home. He'll worry if it gets too late."

"What are you doing tonight? Will you be with some of your friends? You shouldn't stay out late," said Clea.

"No, no, don't worry. I kind of blew everyone off. My plan is to go running, get pooped out, go home, eat a light supper, read in bed, and then off to Flat Rocks. And since tomorrow is Sunday I can sleep in if a lot is happening at the bode."

"That sounds like a good plan. Thomas and I will be here. I wish I could go to Flat Rocks with you, but I know you'll be fine. And you'll have lots to tell us tomorrow, I'm sure."

Esri ran for a long time, keeping a steady cadence, pushing herself to do one more lap and one more lap and yet one more. As she ran, Esri thought about the people at Flat Rocks, recounting each of their stories to herself from when she first met them. She saved thinking about Zura until her final laps. Esri slowed her pace and began remembering how her dreams started by finding Zura in the chilly pre-dawn sitting in the Thinking Circle of their old bode, waiting for Angry Snake Traveler to appear.

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