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w// some sexual content


The team had won the game last night, and right now we were at a celebration dinner. My nose was already slightly red and purple and I wanted so badly to curl up in a ball and hide in shame, yet I had no choice but to sit here next to Phil Lester and eat pizza.

So that's exactly what I did.

Tyler was on my right and Phil was on my left, pizza shoved int my mouth as the rest of the team chatted amongst themselves. Everything was fine until Lester decided to set his hand on my thigh, rubbing circles onto the clothed skin.

I immediately stopped chewing to shoot him a look, but he was too busy blabbering to his friends. I shook my head and went back to the food until his fingertips climbed higher. I froze. He was definitely pulling something.

"Phil," I hissed in his ear. "What are you doing?"

"What am I doing?" He teased. I glared at him and Tyler's lips curled up.

"Everything alright, boys?"

"Fine. Perfectly fine."

Phil chuckled and I exhaled. As soon as I took a bite out of the pizza his hand was on my crotch and I choked, inhaling the bite and coughing wildly. Everyone at the table went silent and looked at me, concerned.

Phil reached behind me and patted my back until I was fine.

"You alright?" A boy, Connor, asked. I nodded.

But the tent in my pants said otherwise.

"I'm just going to go to the bathroom," I told the team. I stood and rushed to the bathroom, averting Phil's gaze. I shut the door behind me, walking over to the sink and washing my face.

I looked up at the mirror, seeing how flushed my face was. I shook my head, drying off my face and clearing my throat. When I turned to leave, none other than Phil Lester skipped through the door and shot me a smirk.

"Planning on doing something, Howell?"

"No." I frowned at him. He laughed, then slowly it faded as he began to make his way towards me. Every step he took forward I took one backward, gasping when my back hit the wall. Phil put his palms on the wall on either side of me, trapping me.

I gulped.

"Do you need me to fix that little problem downstairs?" Phil offered seductively. My eyes went wide. My lips parted. I could feel myself blushing and beginning to sweat.

"Y-yes," I stuttered out. Phil raised an eyebrow, a cocky grin masked onto his mouth. He leaned forward with his hips swaying, and-

The door opened. Immediately Phil reacted, grabbing the collar of my shirt and pinning me up against the wall.

"You're such an idiot, Dan!" Phil shouted. Then he shot me a wink.

I get it. He wants to make it seem like we were fighting. The teammate stood in the doorway immediately paused to stare at us, confused.

I shoved Phil off roughly, watching his back hit the wall. "Fuck off! You can't even fucking throw the ball!"

He furrowed his eyebrows. "You can't catch it!"

"Coach! Coach Will!" The teammate called out.

Perfect. Now the whole team will think we hate each other, I thought. Coach rushed in and ran his eyes over the both of us.

"What is it, Charlie?" He growled.

"They're f-fighting!" Charlie cried. Phil and I stepped away from each other, beginning to yell insults at each other. Coach came in between and pushed us both apart, glaring.

"You two better grow up!" He bellowed.

"Tell that to vampire over there!" I snapped, referring to his paleness.

"That's it! You two my office on Tuesday morning!" Coach demanded. "Now, go out there and eat your damn pizza and keep your mouths shut!"

"Yes sir," Phil and I sighed in unison. As soon as Charlie and Coach left, we high-fived.

I looked down at my pants and blinked, breaking the silence.

"Well that was a total boner killer."

I had never seen Phil Lester laugh harder than he did in that moment.


Tuesday morning, Phil and I were waiting outside the coach's office. When he arrived he let us in, instructing us to sit down.

"What the hell was that fight about?"

Oh, you know- Phil was fucking palming me through my pants so I went to the bathroom. Then, of course, we were about to have butt-sex until that cockblock, Charlie, came in. No biggy though.

"He dropped pizza on my new sports pants. That's why I went into the bathroom- to clean off," Phil told him. I smiled. Damn, this guy was good.

"Is that true, Howell?" Coach questioned me. I nodded, faking a pout.

"Yes, sir."

Coach Will exhaled, running a hand over his face. "We have championships in less than two months- I can't have you two screwing this up for us. We've won every year, and I will not have two hormonal boys change that. Am I clear?"

"Could you repeat that for Dan?" Phil joked.

"Hey! Shut up!"

"Make me!" Phil shot back, flashing me a wink. I blushed over.

"Maybe I will!" I growled.

"Boys! Stop it!" He demanded. We rolled our eyes and looked back at him.

"I-" The coach began, but the boy next to me cut him short.

"Dan looks like a tall lesbian," Phil coughed under his breath. I reached over and punched him in the side of the arm.

"Shut up! You look like a single father with eight kids!" I cried. Phil burst out laughing and I lunged at him, knocking him off the chair and pinning him down.

I held in my laugh as we pretended to fight, rolling around on the carpet.

Coach stomped over and yanked us apart, holding us both by our ears.

"That's it! You two are off the team!"

Phil and I froze.

"You're kidding, right?"

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