Chapter 13

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Cathy's POV

Blackness. That's all I could touch, feel, smell, taste, everything was blackness. The stench of it was driving me crazy! Then, slowly I was able to hear again. Through the blackness came shards of a conversation.

"What kind of way is that to speak to an old friend now lads? What's it been a century or two?"

A century or two since what? Who is this person? He had a voice that was neither high nor was it low, but it was filled with evil. I have no idea where I am but I want to get away from this voice. This voice which sends chills up my spine and reminds me of a time long ago. A time which refuses to be forgotten.

"Less than 80 years unfortunately."

"And 'old friend' is the highlight of that sentence. Oli."

I know those voices. The first fill with a thick Irish twinge, now filled with anger. Niall. The second made my heart race. It was him! Wherever I am whatever time it is, Harry is still with me. He is still at my side protecting me. But his words are laced with hate towards the voice, which I presume belongs to Oli.

"Oh lighten up! Please, what have I done to you boys to make you hate me so? And really, it's not a bad thing that its been such a short time since we last met. Means I don't have to repeat as much of my propaganda as I would have had it been a hole century."

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO US?! Where do you want me to start Oli? Hmm? You are the reason that Cathy is in here, in hospital! And to add to,that you go after Beth then start a fight with Niall when she doesn't let you in. Oh and don't think that either one of them will let you into their homes cause it ain't gonna happen." Harry had started off yelling then gone into a whisper shout at this Oli, and what did he mean I was in hospital?

"Oh, my dear friend, I can already get into your little pets home."

Pet? What the hell do the boys have a dog or something that I don't know about?

"She. Is. Not. A. Pet." I could almost see Harry's fists tighten as he said this. I have the slight feeling that his eyes would be turning red as well.

"Whatever you say Harold, but whatever she is to you, pet, lover, mate, I can enter her home and drain her at any time I wish. All thanks to her little drunk father."

"That battered is not her father! And if you think that there is anyway in hell that I am going to let you get that close to Bambi again then think again. Hell will freeze over before you even get a drop of her precious blood again. Got that straight?!" Blood? Mate? Lover?! What the hell is this? There is only. One clear explanation for this. I am having some strange dream as a result of eating too much cheese before I sleep. Wait, but I don't eat cheese, I'm not allowed it. AHH SHUT UP BRAIN!

"Well then looks like hell has frozen over because your precious 'Bambi' is next on her list. As is that pathetic friend of hers sitting in Niall's lap. So I will be getting some of that sweet blood again, and soon. Looking forwards to seeing her at home!" Oli's voice faded away into the darkness. Who's list and why the frick were they talking about blood? And mine for that matter? He called me Bambi again..... Snap out of it Cathy!

"Niall, what are we gonna do?" Harry sounded desperate. I wanted to give him a hug and comfort him, but A. I couldn't move, and B. that would be weird as that's not really how our friendship works, sadly.

"The only thing we can do now, protect them."

"He can get into her house though Niall! I can't! How am I meant to protect her then? Hmm? I can walk in and save the day if I'm stuck outside her front door while he is draining her dry! Shit."

"Harry, didn't you say that her step-dad had kicked Cathy out? If that's true then Oli can't touch her. She won't be in that house for a long time. She would be with us at the house, or with Beth. Beth being the more likely option as a result of management and Louis, but still!"

"Niall, you genius! She had thought that all her stuff would be on the pavement in front of her house by the time she read that text. I can run and see if it is and if her belongings are there then I can bring them back here! Right give me two minutes and I'll, be back." I heard a whisp of wind and then there was silence. Then there were several sets of feet making noise entering the room.

"Niall we need to tell you what the plan is."

"Louis I don't care what the risk is Harry and I will protect them."

"I know, that's why the plan is to stay in Stirling until this whole cuffufle is sorted out and forgotten by the public."

"Louis NO! Wait... Say that again?"

"Niall you and Harry are brothers to me and I understand that protecting these girls is something you two believe must be done. Now after seeing the effects of Oli's reaction to Cathy here I can't agree more with you. All five of us must protect these girls from what ever plan Oli is working with. They come first now."

"Serious Louis? Cause if you are joking I will beat you to a pulp, and then Harry will too."

"Of course I'm serious, 'and stop calling me Shirley'" Louis laughed, quoting the epic comedy 'Airplane'. "Now I understand the Oli has been invited into Cathy's home by him. Is that right? Or have I been eavesdropping wrong?" I could hear the smile in Louis face. It made me want to smile too.

"Here it is, she was right. All sitting out on the...Louis, hey." What? There is no way Harry could have made it to my house and back in this small space of time! No, no, NO! This is not physically possible. Blood drinking, freaky fast running. Not possible! No.

"Harry I was just saying to Niall about the plan we told management. We told them that we are staying to protect the girls. No matter the cost. Now why is all of Cathy's stuff here? I didn't think her injuries were that bad. The doctor said that she had a lucky escape."

"Thank you Louis, for everything."

"No prob bro, but seriously, why is all her stuff here?"

"She got kicked out cause she was passed out in my room when she got a text from him stating 'home in five or you're out'. Cause she was passed out she didn't get the text till two hours after it was sent. So I went to get her stuff thinking that maybe she could stay with Beth for a while..."

"Why not us?"

"Excuse me?"

"Why not ask her to stay with us Harry? It seems logical, Oli can't enter our house and we would be able to protected her better if she were with us." Silence filled, what I am guessing is a, small room for a second

"Who are you and what have you done with our mate Louis Tomlinson?" Laughed Harry. "And my plan had been to say 'or with us' very quickly at the end of that sentence incase you blew a top! I thought you didn't approve of having humans in the house?"

"No I don't approve of having rowdy, drunk, horney humans in the house. But I have the best feeling that Cathy will keep you in line when none of us can." Laughed Louis. Why are they saying humans? They are human too, it's not like they are an other species, right?

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