This time I didn't look over at Brody, I just looked down at the floor. I could feel the blush on my face and with it still forming. Neither of us talking.


"You and Brody almost kissed!" Kim practically yelled.

"Shh! I don't need everyone knowing!" I shushed. We were in the dojo. But the boys were still in the locker room.

"How did you almost kiss, and not actually kiss?" Kim asked, this time quieter.

"Well.." I smiled, "He followed me into the hallway to see what was wrong and we were talking.." I said picking up a bo staff.

"And..?" Kim said obviously excited.

"I believe that he actually wants all of our forgiveness"

"Okay, but what happened after that?" Kim asked growing impatient.

"I think he tricked me into looking at him and we were both silent and he started leaning in to kiss me but-"

"But what?!"

Damn it Kim, let me finish.

"Someone slammed on one of the lockers across the hallway and it made me jump away from him"

"Wait, but who do you think it was?" Kim asked, still fully invested into this conversation.

"Who what was?" Milton asked coming out of the locker room first.

"The person I am going to punch for interrupt-"

"Woah, Kim calm down, it's not a big deal" I said calming her down, maybe she was a little too much into the conversation.

"What's not a big deal?" Jack asked now coming out. I'm guessing Rudy was still in his office and that Jerry was braiding his arm pit hair for practice again.

"How is it not a big deal? It was going to be your first kiss-" Kim said without thinking and then immediately put her hand over her mouth.

"Kim!" I said harshly.

"Who was going to be your first kiss?" Milton asked awkwardly.

I looked over at Kim who looked embarrassed and said, "Brody"

-"Why is nobody training? And where is Jerry?" Rudy asked finally coming out of his office, noticing all of us but one just standing there doing nothing.

"Jerry is still in the locker room braiding his arm pit hair" Milton said with a disgusted look written all over his face. Called it.

"Nevermind, just get to training" Rudy said not wanting to think about Jerry at the moment. I don't blame him. And then he went back into his office. Why isn't he training us? 

Before Rudy could come back out and yell at us to train Milton ran into the boys locker room after taking in some air bracing himself for what smells was coming from there because of Jerry. And then Milton came back out with Jerry and they got ready to spar. 

Kim, Jack, and I backed up to the wall that would allow us to face them and the entire room. 

"So, I have thought about it, and I guess I can forgive Brody," Jack said, only halfway defeated. 

Then I immediately smiled at the sound of his name. 


Brody's pov

"I saw you with Sloane!" Frank shouted at me. 

"So what?" I questioned. 

"Don't make me tell Ty" he threatened. 

"Bro you don't understand. I was only talking to her to get her on our side!" I lied. I was on her side. 

"Ohhh I get it, you were just messing with her feelings" he said like it was the most normal thing in the world. What the heck is wrong with this guy! ...

"Exactly," I mentally rolled my eyes, "Now just let me do this. I thought if I could get her to like me that it would be really easy to get her on our side" 



oooo the suspense! Who do you think overheard? It seems obvious to me but who knows. It's shorter than I wanted it to be but whatever. I was going to publish this an hour ago but my dad came into my room just as I was going to and he asked if I wanted to do some night-time driving today (because i just got my permit last month, yay!) Thank you all for your patience. I love seeing all of the comment but I also love the one's that say that it's worth the wait. :D it makes me so happy ^.^ 

Also, one more thing since I know some of you read She's Not Bionic. I think the next chapter is almost ready, it won't be ready by later tonight but hopefully soon. But who knows, because I have my math midterm this friday and I'm leaving for Spring Break after school on the 24th. I hope that sometime in between those times I get the chapter finished. I just wanted people to know that because I don't want people to think that I don't have anything done or that I'm not trying. 

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