Chapter Sixty-Eight

Start from the beginning

How selfish, I thought. I'd already made him stay up with me until 3am.

It's just that, ever since I got him back last month, I can't dare waste time.

Time is of the essence.

Your life could be taken away when you least expect it.

You might think a plane is perfectly safe and stable, but one tiny thing could throw the whole plane off, and kill majority, or even every single person aboard. And that could one day maybe be me, or Niall, or anybody.

Some people even die in their sleep. You never know...

"No. Go to sleep," I smiled. "I love you, Niall."

His eyes couldn't stay open any longer. "And I love you, Rosaline Kendall... Never Forget that."

A smile crossed my face, and seconds had passed before Niall had added. "And eat that last cookie. Because you want to, and I'd like you too."

I stroked his cheek with my fingers, grabbing the cookie.

"I will... For you." I said before taking a bite.

The cookie was delicious in the end, as well as the last dozen of them... I had washed it down with the swig of milk left in my glass, and downed the rest of Niall's that he wasn't going to finish.

It went down well, until my stomach did this burping like grumble.

I groaned, throwing my hands over my stomach. Doing so, I did accidentally hit Niall in the nose.

I will admit, I did put on a little bit of weight, but thank god I'd managed to still stay small after all my eating.

I'll hit the gym after the winter.

Niall wrinkled his nose as if he were going to sneeze, then turned back into a statue.

I on the other hand was trying to make my stomach stop it's noise... It was so loud, I'm surprised Niall wasn't waking up, considering his head was just next to my abdomen.

"Rosie. Tell your stomach to shut up." He groaned.

Okay, so maybe he wasn't such a hard sleeper anymore since I would often wake him up in the middle of the night with headaches or random aches.

"Sorry." I embarrassedly whispered.

He managed to pull me down onto the bed from my sitting position, cuddling with me.

My body moulded itself into his shape, my back into his chest, and his arm around my waist.

Niall's warm hand went up my shirt, resting in the centre of my stomach.

For some reason, my stomach stopped it's noise, having a little mind of it's own.

It was filled with butterflies with Niall's beautiful touch.



I didn't mean to wake him up at 5am. It just so happens that his hand wasn't on my stomach anymore, but now on my hip, and my stomach was twitching inside, probably jealous that my hip was being touched.

It was two times I called him before he finally answer.

"Hm?" He hummed in his sleep. Then there was this sharp pain in my stomach. Niall shot up, when I whimpered. "What's wrong, love?"

I couldn't answer, 'cause it was as if the breath was knocked out of me. "Niall. My stomach."

It's like getting stabbed all over again, but in the abdomen.

"Mum's cookies got to you, baby?" He groggily laughed, but this was a serious matter.

Was I constipated? The bloody hell...

"Niall." I moaned, "Please."

I was begging for nothing in particular. Maybe just his touch on my stomach again.

"Babe. What do you want me to do? Go sit on the toilet."

"Please." I squeezed his arm desperately.

His hand went up my shirt, rubbing my stomach.

I don't remember how long it's been since my stomach was last rubbed, but it felt wonderful, except for the terrible pain on the inside.

"Is it that serious?" He asked, obviously wanting to go back to sleep.

"Yes," I was about to say, until my mouth was filled with yesterday's cookies, milk, lasagna, crisps, and more... All chew up.

I raced out of the bed, running to the bathroom.

Like in the horror films, I fell with a huge thud, but luckily it was right infront of the toilet.

Niall rushed in after me.

"Niall?! Is that you?" Maura's voice yelled.

"It's nothing, Ma. Go back to sleep."

I poured out my guts, with Niall right there.

I collapsed when I was done, sobbing.

He dissapeared, and returned with, not his normal kicks, but rain boots!- and a hoodie, sliding one of his beanies onto my head.

We were going to the hospital, I think.

Maybe I had appendicitis; The inflaming of my appendix.

"Ma?! Can I borrow your car? Gonna take Rosie to the hospital. Kay, thank you. Love you." Niall yelled.

But Dad heard, declaring he come along aswell and Maura too. Greg was then obviously left to watch Sophia.

But then being the old people, Niall said, "You guys are moving too slow, take Greg's car, and meet us there."

I was dying of pain. It was a good thing that it wasn't snowing anymore. But nevertheless there was snow on the ground, half melted, with the wind whipping my hair around.

Before we had gotten into the car, I just peed on myself right on the spot. In Niall's arms. I mean, it didn't get on him, and he was oblivious to the fact, but he was carrying me, because I only had socks on.

I peed sometimes right before, I had to poo? Maybe, I was just constipated.

It's a sad thing, because I loved these pajama pants, and wanted to wear them all day tomorrow. Niall and I had matching one's... He was currently wearing his aswell. They came from Maura.

They were batman... Mine were more like tights, while his were more like sweats.

I was screaming in the car, and Niall screamed with me too, which made me feel 10 times better. That's how bad this fucking pain was.

Niall drove to the hospital in one piece, but I was in two.

Did I mention he got a driver's license? Maybe not. It took him 4 times to pass the test, because he'd always fail the written part.

I don't know what happened in between the scenarios, because I was freaking out, and having this excruciating pain and all.

"Using your fingers, indicate how much pain you are in... On the scale from 1-10." Said a blighter, whom was obviously a doctor.

The lights from above as I was being pushed on this moving bed, were blinding.

I stuck up 8 fingers, because technically thumbs weren't fingers. But had thumbs had've been fingers and not phalanges, there's a chance that I would have held up 10 fingers.

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