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what to do,
what tO do.
animal control has taken robot sartorius to the animal pound !!
maybe I can bust him out...
I hop into my car and chase the truck where my baby jacop was.
I honk my car horn. the truk stops
I kepp going driving. and I bust through the back of it, breaking dog and cat carriers and freeing robo jacob.   as I fled with him (he is now in human form again becaUse he eight a cat) many dogs and such pets came spilling out of the truck making anjmal sounds. like they should.

but anyways

me and my husband jacob. we run all the way back to the forest. me chasing him. but....somethingISWRO G!!!!
there is no forest.... our houses are all gone.

"honey, we must relocate our lives," Jacob says. "I can use my rocket feet to fly to a new forest."
"are you sure it will work, jakey?" I say.
"I am positive. I ran it through my built in probability filter and it said that there is a 27 percent chance of it working. so we will be fine. it is better than you giving me daily visits at the dog pound ormhseum."
"but.... hon, you're not even a dog."
"I don't have to be a dog to go to the dog pound ," he objects.
"I HAVE A PLAN," I announce.

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