Author-san's Bf's reaction

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Hey guys ^.^

I had my boyfriend,Marcus, react to the last scenario and I honestly think his reaction was perverted.

Bold= Charlyn

Bold+italics= Charlyn's thoughts

Italics= Marcus

None= Charlyn telling what's going on :P

"= parts of the last scenario


Hey Marcus can I show you something real quick.

Wait, what is it about?

Nothing really, it just seems like something you would read. Yup that's right it's something that a perverted bastard like you would read.

Oh okay.

"It's only been two days since the married couple, Charlyn and Karma, got married. (Yes, according to hikatsumi and matchate I'm married to Karma so don't hate me.) The duo just woke up from they're first night together. Yup, they did it." you're married to an anime character. And is 'it' what I think it is?

Yeah I'm technically married and for 'it' just continue.

"W-w-wait. I'm not-" Karma threw off Charlyn's shirt and stared at her. She covered her chest and had a deep shade of red across her face. Karma removed her arms from her chest, and cut off her bra with a pair of red scissors."

Okay what the fuck am I reading.

Don't worry about it just keep reading. You better not be thinking about doing that to me or I will fucking kill you.

"Karma gently placed her down on the bed, groping one breast and sucking another. He rubbed the fabric of her panties, making her feel more aroused. She moaned sweetly, making Karma more desperate."

Charlyn can I please stop reading it's making me feel uncomfortable.

Please just do it for the makes me feel embarrassed too, don't worry about it. Just show your true freakin colors already bruh, I already know you're perverted. I see the blush on your face.

"Well, you never tried making a move so I thought it would be fine." The girl sat up with her cheeks puffed up. She pinned the red head down and lifted up his shirt, revealing his perfectly formed abs. She left marks on his neck, down to his stomach. Then she nervously unbuckled his belt and unbuttoned his pants, shaking slightly during the process."

Okay why are you doing this to him but not me.

HAH I KNEW YOU WERE PERVERTED. I mean *cough* contiune.

"Now, shall we get the thing in you?" He position himself into her entrance. She looked at his member nervously, for it was faaaar to large to fit in that tiny hole. She gulped nervously closing her eyes, knowing there will be pain. He poked her entrance, then shoved it inside of her. She yelped in pain, tears going down her face."

Chaaaaaaarlyn I'm getting really jealous if this Karma person.

Oh my gosh please don't even think about you fucking me. You shouldn't be, he's just an anime character. Wait wait wait wait wait. Did you just say you wanna f me? OKAY CHARLYN YOU KNOW HE'S NOT JUST AN ANIME CHARACTER HE'S YOUR BAE.

Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat no. Pshhhhhh.

OMFG I WILL FREAKIN KILL YOU RIGHT NOW. Actually you know what, I'll just kick you down there so you can't f me how about that.

Oh shit no. Please please no. Charlyn don't! I'm serious I won't do it again so stop.

Ahahah...your gonna regret so much after this.

Then after a few minutes of chasing, I managed to catch up to him and kicked his penis...and punched his gut while we were at it.

Ooooow you freakin bitch.

Come on, it wouldn't hurt that much.

It feels like a metal bat hit me freakin hard there.

Oh...well just keep reading.

"MOVE FREAKIN FASTER YOU BAKA! So I could feel pleasured..." She muttered the last part.

"Good enough." He started moving faster and faster each thrust. Charlyn moaned when he hit her sweet spot. He continued to hit that spot. Pleasured moans filled the room, the duo soon coming.

"Charlyn...I'm...coming soon."

"Me...too." They let out a few more breaths, reaching their climax, coming at the same time. Karma plopped down next charlyn with a thud, hugging her tightly in his arms.


I DO IT'S JUST A FANFIC. Which I actually created...

Why'd you show me this?

No reason really.

You freakin suck.

And then right after he walked me home. He literally wouldn't let me out of his sight to make sure I don't end up being fucked by some guys. I swear he's being over protective for someone who's perverted and wanted to do 'it' to me instead of Karma...

And then we got some ice cream :3



Well that was Marcus's reaction to the last scenario! He wants to say some things to you guys so I'm gonna hand him the phone~ (Don't worry I'll prevent him from seeing the other stuff above xD)

Hey guys it's Marcus, Charlyn's boyfriend. I swear I'm not as perverted as you think. I hate you guys so much right now for making me read that thing. I'm pure and innocent. But thanks to you guys my eyes burn and I feel like I'm dying. Without me, Charlyn would've gotten rapped or something because of creepy guys giving her perverted glares. Please take care of Charlyn for me when I'm not around. Bye. :)


Okay, so you do admit that you're perverted xD. First your reaction beat the crap out of me, and I don't remember you trying to protect me when a guy did give me perverted glares. I mean who want to look at me anyways xD


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