29. The New Additions

Start from the beginning

Cameron, the kids, Jenna, Dane and I all walked inside mom's house then. Dad was watching a football game of some sort, and said hello to us before returning to the game. Ella and Wyatt were fighting over blocks; I had to quickly grab Emily when she started heading over there, because Wyatt threw a punch at Ella, and she shoved him back.

"Ella! Wyatt!" Jenna hissed. "Get here now!"

"Momma!" Emily wailed because I had a hold of her. "Toys?" Yep, she knew the word toys...

"Nana's got some toys out the back for you all to play with," I told her, picking her up. Ouch... As I'd picked Emily up, I felt a sharp pain run down my back. "Ow..." I muttered.

"You alright?" Cameron asked.

"Yep," I frowned. "Guess I must have picked her up funny, that's all."

"Okay," he shrugged. "Zane... Ethan... get out of the potted plant."

I glanced over to see my two sons digging in the dirt in the pot. I rolled my eyes because Cameron swiftly grabbed them and pulled them away.

"If you wanna dig holes, you go outside," Cameron said firmly. "You don't put dirt on nana's floor. She'll get cranky."

"Oh, boys," I frowned. "Come on, we'll go find some toys for you to play with."

Mom had a room full of toys for all of her grandchildren. I put Emily down in the room, and she wandered around until she found a box full of stuffed animals. She loved things like that! The smile that appeared on her face was bright, and made my heart warm. Becca walked over to the dollhouse that she'd been fond of since she was three, Lily and Addy played with some paints, and the boys found a mass stash of Lego. Jenna brought Ella and Wyatt in as well, and Wyatt found himself happy with toy cars, as Ella joined Lily and Addy to paint.

I wandered back out into the living room and sat down on the one seater that was against the wall. I paid vague attention to the conversation, with mom yelling at dad to turn the television down, Jenna laughing at that, Cameron and Dane discussing cars...

Next thing I woke up in the guest bedroom of my parents' house.

"Huh?" I frowned, realising it was dark. I sat up, feeling well-rested. I hadn't even known I was tired...

I walked downstairs and found that mom was cooking dinner, the kids were still playing, Jenna and Dane had gone out for the night, and dad's game was over and he was now watching some movie. How long had I been asleep?

"Look who's up," Cameron smiled. "Honey, you just crashed out on the lounge four hours ago. I had to carry you upstairs, with your dad's help. You were exhausted."

"Apparently," I smiled weakly.

"You should eat something," he pointed out. "Dinner's just being served up now, so come on. The kids are all eating at the little table, and Emily's been asleep for the last half an hour. She's upstairs in the same room you were in."

"I didn't even notice the crib..." I frowned.

"You're still half asleep," he chuckled.

"Yeah, I think so," I laughed.

After I ate I was wide awake. I bathed the kids and then let them return to playing. Becca was letting Emily play with the dollhouse too, which worried me. I didn't like the thought of her being able to swallow something. So when it came to Emily's bed time, I felt relieved. Mom put her to bed for me, and then slowly the night went on and all the other kids went off to bed. Ella and Wyatt went first, then dad, because he was tired. But Zane and Addy went to sleep earlier than usual, followed by Ethan, then Becca.

But Lily was reluctant to go to bed, and only when mom put her in bed did she say goodnight and go to sleep.

I laid in bed with Cameron, talking.

"You have names on your mind," he noted. "I can tell by that puzzled look you have."

"Three and a half weeks, remember?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Okay, what are they?" he asked, smiling.

"Alexander, for a boy," I began. "Or Alexandra, if it's a girl. Well, if one of them is, anyway. Or Julian, possibly. But I'm not heaps keen on that one. Keiran, Cody, Jacob, Braithen, Lucas..."

"You seem keen that they're gonna be boys," he chuckled.

"Just... well, then we'd have four of each," I smiled. "But I don't know... I have girls names, too."


"Alyssa, Phoebe, Rhiannon, Brooke, Kallie, Eliza, Savannah still, Nicole, or Nicola. Umm... Jamie, Olivia I still like, Kassidy, Karis, Lucinda, or just Lucy. Jasmine, Ivy, Paige..."

"You have put a lot of thought into this."

"I think it was the right choice," I noted.

"Yeah? Well, they're not due for another three and a half weeks. So keep thinking about it, because I haven't really lately. I will when they're born."

"Well, start thinking now then."

"Huh?" Cameron frowned. "Why now?"

"Because I'm pretty sure that I've been having contractions for the last few hours, and they're just starting to get more painful," I said.

I had never seen Cameron move so fast. He leapt out of bed, and I simply sat there, laughing.

"What's so funny?" he frowned.

"Relax, would you?" I chuckled. "It's not like they're gonna be here right now. I mean, the contractions are about eight minutes apart. We still have time."

"Okay..." he breathed, sitting back down. "So uh... are we supposed to go to the hospital now, or in a couple of hours? Because a lot of your labours have been pretty damn quick!"

"Well, this one might be different," I giggled. "But oh well..."

So I laid back down to go to sleep for a while. But the contractions got closer together within three hours, so we decided to go to the hospital then. I hated hospitals, but Cameron woke my parents to tell them, and they would stay with the kids since it was one in the morning.

Just as we arrived at the hospital, my waters broke, and I was taken to the labour ward immediately. But I was only there for about ten minutes, because I was fully dilated for the first baby to come and was taken straight to a delivery room.

Cameron held my hand as I brought our seventh child into the world.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" I asked breathlessly.

One Husband, Two Kids... And I'm Only Nineteen! + My Life, My Love, My KidsWhere stories live. Discover now