Chapter 10

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I'm sorry that I haven't updated!! I was busy writing a new book!! Well here's your well deserved chapter!!


Nora's P.O.V.

It's been about a month since Luke has come to us. He is still here. Jem told that he would be leaving sometime next week. I've been trying my hardest not to be to close to him. I keep getting these weird vibes from him. I have been training with all the other wolves to get stronger so I'm not weak at all if I need to fight.

I've been spending most of my time in the woods lately but Jem told me not to get to far just in case of rouges. I also been practicing my healing and seeing into the past lately too, but I haven't had any future visions since the last one. 

I rub my hand across the fallen tree before sitting on it. I looked at the breathtaking view before me eyes. Memorizing every inch of the snow covered ground and ice glistening in the trees looking like frozen water droplets. Winter is almost over, so the nature here is between frozen and melting. It's just beautiful.

"Just like you" I jump from my spot on the tree and turned to face the person who scared me. A smile comes to my mouth when I look up into the most beautiful green eyes this whole world has. 

"Hey Jem. Don't you ever scare me like that." I smacked his arm lightly as he sits down next to me on the tree. He smirks at me while taking my hand in his.

"Sorry I scared you beautiful"

"No your not"

"Your right I'm not."

"You jerk." I push him slightly while smiling at him. "So what's up."

"Well dinner is ready and I was sent out here to come and get you."

"Well then" I say standing up moving back a little. A smile slowly creeping onto my face. "You better catch me."

 With that I took off running as fast as I could without slipping. I heard him curse under his breath before jumping off the log and came chasing after me. I reach a clearing close to the pack house when I feel something or should I say someone tackles me onto the ground. With a small shriek I landed on the snow covered ground. I rolled over on my side and looked up to see a smiling Jem.

"You jackass. Now I'm cold." I whine and pout afterwards.

"Hey," He says offensively. "Here let me help you up." He held out his hand. I shrugged my shoulders. I took his hand and before he can pull me up I pull him down into the snow with me. He landed right next to me. Smiling and grabbed some snow and shoved it up his shirt. With a 'manly' shriek he took the snow out and glared at me.

"Two can play at that game." That's all he said before he crawled top of me with a handful of snow. I swatted my hands at him but it didn't work because he got the snow up my shirt. I shrieked and grabbed snow and throw it at his face. I start busting out laughing from the funny site before my eyes. My laughter soon ended when he crashed his lips to mine.

I instantly kissed back wrapping my arms around his head and pulling him closer to me. He bites my lip causing me to moan in pleasure. He took that opportunity to slip his tongue past my lips into my mouth. He explored my mouth with his tongue. I slipped my now cold hands up his shirt. Running my fingers slowly on his bare chest. He shudders at my touch which makes me smile.

Finally we pull apart gasping for breath. I guess we forgot that little piece of info that we need to survive. 

"We should probably get back and eat dinner before you dad throws a hissy fit." He chuckled but nodded his head. He got off me and helped me up. I whine once the cold hits me. Jem picks me up bridle stile. I cuddle into his nice an warm chest. I slipped my hands back up his shirt to keep warm.

"Your hands are freaking cold Nora."

"I know. Why do you think I put them up your shirt?"

We walked back in silence but it was a comfortable silence. Once we reached the pack house we saw Jem's dad waiting in the door way.

"Your late." Was all he said before disappearing  into the house. Jem set me down and we followed him inside. Ahhh nice and warm. I slip my jacket off and throw it on the back of the couch while walking into the dining room with Jem behind me. Everyone was sitting waiting for us. We took our seats and waited as well.

"Well everyone welcome to dinner. We will be having Jem's coronation next week for him and his mate to take over." Alpha Rob said.

"Jem I would like you to have your beta and third picked out before the coronation."

"Yes father." 

"Okay since that is settle lets eat."

With that everyone dug into the chicken pasta that lay before them. I took a bite of my food. It was like a bomb exploded in my mouth. It was good. I wonder who made it? 

Once we all finished eating dinner we all went to bed.  Jem and I headed into our room. I dug around in the dresser looking for my sweater. Uhhggg. Where is it?

"Here use mine." I turn around just as Jem throws me his sweater. I brought it up to my face and took a deep breath. God I loved the smell of him. I walked over to the bedside and set the sweater down. I took off my shirt then my tank top. I looked up to see hunger in Jem's eyes as he looked at me. I knew what he wanted but I wasn't ready and he knew that. I think. I slipped the sweater on over my head before taking off my pants.

I took the hair ti off my hand before pulling my hair into a messy bun. I walked over to Jem and smiled up at him.

"How is my baby doing?" I say while wrapping my hands around his neck and looking at him. 

"I'm doing just fine beautiful." He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close to him. He leans down and captures my mouth with his. I immediately open my mouth for him, letting his tongue come in and take control. He slides his hands down to my thighs and picks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist while he takes us to the bed. He sets me down gently on my back without breaking the kiss. He slips his hand up and under my shirt. I shudder at the tingly feeling I get every time he touches me. He pulls away far enough so our foreheads are touching. 

"I love you beautiful." I stared up into his eyes. He just told me he loves me.

"I love you too baby." He smiles at me real big. He rolls over so he is on his back and pulls me up onto his chest. I rest my ear right where his heart is and wait for mine to match his beat. I can slowly feel myself slipping into sleep. 

Before I fell asleep I could just hear him say good night.


Thanks guys for reading this chapter. Sorry for mistakes. I will be updating again tomorrow. Love all you guys!!!




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