Chapter 9

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Hey everybody!! Do you want to know the surprise. Today is my BIRTHDAY!!! And because it's my birthday I'm gonna give you guys on a little scene of a chapter to make you laugh. After that you will read the real chapter for this story. Here goes nothing!

Nora's P.O.V.

"Will Smith!!" I screamed when Jem's dad brought in the guy from outside. "What the fuck are you dong here?!?!"

"I came here to claim you." He stated. I could feel Jem tense behind me. He is so not gonna like where this is going. "You will be coming with me for the next two months an become my wife and my next superstar model/actress." Jem growled when he mentioned getting married. Ha ha only if he new, only if he new. I smiled at Will and walked towards him.

"Will, can I speak with you outside please?"

"Yeah sure." And wit that we were heading downstairs and outside to the woods area so Jem couldn't what we would be talking about. I stopped by a big tree and turned to face Will Smith.

"Okay here is the deal. Did you find my pet fish Walter?" I asked him with a smile on my face.

"Yes I have found Walter. He is in my car. Should we go get him?" He directed his hands towards a black and blue Cadillac car parked in front of the pack house.

"Well lets get Walter and head back to the house." I say as a grabbed his arm through mine.

Jem's P.O.V.

I'm stuck in this room will Will and my dad while Nora is with this Will Smith guy. I already don't like him since he wants to try and marry my mate. I turn my over towards the other peoples in this room. Will looks utterly confused and my dad has a slight grin on his face. And when I say slight I mean slight. I wonder what he is smile about. Maybe the scowl planted on my face but that is what is expected. 

I heard talking down the hall coming towards us. Nora walks in with Will Smith and starts laughing. Probably at something she said. She is very funny at times. I return my gaze back to Nora. She holding something in her hand. It looks like a fish. Huh, she has a fish in her hand. A guy so rich, who could by anything, bought her a fish. She walks over by the sofa I'm sitting and plops down next to me.

"This is Walter my pet fish. I had him when I was at my old pack. There was another one, but it was my brothers. The fish died when he did." Her faced sagged low in a frown as the memory of her brother came to view.

"So why is Will Smith here?" I ask while looking between the two. 

"He is here to...............

That is all you get!! If you guys keep voting and commenting I will finish the short story. Well enjoy the the REAL chapter!!!


Nora's P.O.V.

The Alpha of the Blood Moon Pack was still here. It has been a week and alpha Rob said they were discussing a truth between them. They have been sworn enemies ever since one of the blood moon pack accidentally killed a child in our pack. From what I heard the only reason why they killed the kid because there was a rogue behind him and they missed when they attacked. It feels so weird having him here.

I've been avoiding him by staying in the secret library and reading books about myself. So far I have learned a lot, like that I can only heal one to two people a day and if I try more I might black out or get sick, or if I'm really weak, I could die. There is so much about me dying. I hear the door open and look up to see who it is. 

"I brought you some tea and a sandwich."

"Thank you Jem."

"What are you reading?" He nods to the book on my lap.

"Just another one of those research books about white wolves and other things." I take the tea out of his hand and brought it up to my mouth. I breath in the scent of camomile and cinnamon. My favorite. I took a sip while Jem came and sat next to me. I move the book off my lap and onto the side table next to me. Jem wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into his lap. I snuggled up in his shoulder. I took a deep breath. He smelled like pine and shower gel. God I love the smell of him.

"Did you get any information on this Luke guy?" I asked while looking into his deep green eyes.

"No. I got nothing but lets not talk about him. Lets talk about us."

"Okay what do you want to talk about." I set my now empty cup and start eating my sandwich.

"I would like to take you out on a date."

"A date huh. I could use one." I finish my food and look up at Jem. "I would love to go on a date with you."

"Good we are leaving on Friday. Until then I want you to meet some of the pack."

"Okay I'm fine with that." His hand gently caresses my face until he settles it on my cheek. He leans down and captures my lips in his. I instantly close my eyes and move my mouth with his. He licks my bottom lip asking for entrance. I granted it by opening my mouth slightly. His tongue explores mine while he savors the flavor. We were like this for a long while.

We finally broke apart. He rested his forehead against mine. We were both breathing heavily.

"It's getting dark. Lets head up to bed." Jem whispers.

"Okay." I say back while standing up and grabbing his hand. We walked out of the library and up the stairs quietly. It was a good kind of quiet so it didn't bother me. We reached our room and got ready for bed. We were all thinking about things so I wasn't mad when he didn't talk. I head into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I changed into a nightshirt and walked back into the room. Jem was sitting on the bed looking like he was deep in thought. 

I walked behind Jem and rubbed his back. "Hey babe lets get to bed okay." I move y hands over his shoulder so they lay on his chest and my chin on his shoulder.

"Yeah, sure." He grabs me and pulls me to him while he lays on his back on the bed. I snuggle into him and breathe in his wonderful scent. "Good night beautiful." I soon fell asleep after his words were said in my ear.


Thank you guys for reading this chapter. I know it's short but jsut deal with it okay. Well I love all you guys and thank for the BIRTHDAY WISHES!!!




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