Chapter 2

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Nora's P.O.V.

I wake up the next morning feeling groggy. I head to the bathroom for a shower. I strip down in hop into the hot water, feeling the tension in my body start to release. Once done, I headed back into the room. Will has brought all my stuff here before I got here so I went through my cloths looking for stuff to wear.

 I find a black dress that goes down to my mid thighs that has green lace on it. I slip it on and look for a jacket to go with it when I come across a necklace. It was like one of those that are lockets that hold a picture in them. I sighed when I saw my brother in it. I closed it and clamps it around my neck. I quickly brushed my hair and went down stairs. I walk into the kitchen and see Jem there. "Hey, what day is it?" I ask him

"Um, If I'm correct it is December 10, a Tuesday." Jem answers

"Shit, I forgot. It's my birthday." I mumble more to myself but from the look on Jem's face he had heard. I turn 17 today that means when I change again today I would be able to find my mate. How exiting and nerve racking that is. I wonder if they would let me go for a run? I've always been looking forward to find my mate but ever sense my brother day, I totally forgot it was my birthday.

"How old are you turning?" Jem says pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah, um 17."

"Wow that is a special birthday when you turn 17, don't you think?"

"Whats all about a birthday?" Will says as he walks into the kitchen.

"It's Nora's birthday today. She turns 17." Jem told with a grin on his face. I just stand there hoping they won't do anything. But with my luck they started to sing.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Nora, happy birthday to you." They both sang and chuckled at the end. I stood there trying to hide the blush that is creeping into my face. Soon enough I had a huge grin on my face.

"You look very nice for you birthday." Will acknowledged. I look down and notice I really do look nice in my dress even though I didn't mean to dress up nice. Well, what a coincident, I laugh to my self.

"What are you laughing about?" Jem asks looking at me with a grin plastered on his face.

"Oh nothing." I walk out of the kitchen and into the living room. The guys following close behind. I sat on the couch and started thinking about last night on what I heard the two talking about. Could Jem and Will be werewolves? I thought to myself. If they were won't I be able to smell them? I felt the cushion of the couch sink in and noticed that Jem was sitting next to me on the couch. I decided to sniff the air.

 I took a deep breath and there just the tiniest scent but it was there, saying he was a wolf. He probably has some sort of spray to hide the cent which is a very good idea. I'm not sure about Will though, I would have to get closer.

I stand up and look at both of the guys. "Could I please go for a walk out in the woods?"I ask politely hoping they say yes. I really need to go for a run my inner wolf Nae Nae which I named her. She didn't talk to yesterday but I think that's because she was still upset that out brother died.

"Uh yeah sure go a head but don't be out long. There are people still out there looking for you." Will says looking at me with worry. I nodded and grabbed a jacket and headed out the door. I walked through the dame part I walked through yesterday. I start running so I could change in mid air. I like doing that! Right when I jumped over a stumped I shifted. 

Landing on all fours, I kept running, hearing the pounding of my paws against the ground and the wind through my hair. Aw Nae Nae just loves this. I usually go running with my brother, it was kind of our thing we did but with him gone it kind of feels a little lonely.

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