Chapter 5

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Thank you guys for reading my book so far. I know I'm not real for in the book but to me it is good to write. Sorry for any mistakes.

Nora played but Amy Lee


**************************************************************************************************       Nora's P.O.V.

I wake up to the sound of the doors opening. I don't know how long Iv'e been asleep but It might of been days or even hours. A tall man comes through the door and heads towards me. He pulls out a key and unlocks the chains around my wrist and ankles.

"Stand up it's to for you to come." He says like he has no care in the world of what happens to me. I struggle to stand up because of my weak form with lack of food and the beatings. He sees me struggling and grabs my arm and yanks me up. Keeping a hold on me, he takes me out of the cellar into a long hallway that leads to a door.

When he opens the door sunlight hits me in the face that I had to cover my eyes with my free arm. After walking through the woods we come to a old cabin. Once we reach the door the man knocks on the door. It swings open and Richard motions us to come in.

"Through her into the basement." Richard say toneless. I was walked down a hallway and through a door. I was pushed down the stairs and guess what the funny thing was?!?! It was pitched black!!! Not one color just darkness.

Iv'e been in the darkness for a while that it doesn't bother me as much as when I first came here. But still I hated it. I stand up and decided I was going to listen in on them. I got as close to the door I could with out making noise myself. I pressed my ear up against the door and listened.

"The full moon is tonight. Do we have everything we need to do the ritual?"

"Yes boss we do. We have the candles, knife, wolf blood, and her brothers copse."

"Good, good. Thank you Pete and also make sure the girl is ready before 9:00 pm."

"Yes boss." I heard someone walking towards the door so I quickly went as far away form the door without making a noise at the same time. When the door opened I was sitting down on the floor at the bottom of the stairs of where I landed before when I was pushed down here.

Light pored in for the door and there stood Richard. He walked down the stairs with something in his hand. "Here want an apple?" He says looking at me to see if I show any of my hunger. I hide it of course. I don't want him to see how weak I am because of him.

He through the apple across the room and smirked. "Good luck finding it now, mutt." He says while heading back up the stairs and leaving me in darkness once again. I have a feeling he probably poisoned the apple to see if I would actually eat it. I just sat there thinking if there is any chance of me getting out of here alive and away from the wretched Richard.

Will's P.O.V.

"About time we find her! Thanks again Luke. Over by the cabin?....Oh okay." I was talking to one of the tracking wolves in my pack. I have Nora's sent. He said he picked it up like she was moving and followed them to the cabin on the east end. It's a far walk but if we run we could make it there by sundown. I headed to go and look for Jem to tell him the good news. By the time I found him it was around noon and he was sitting in the woods by the river.

"Jem, we found out where Nora is." At those words Jem whipped his head around with hope in his eyes and happiness in his smile.


"Yes really. If we head out now we could make it there by dusk."

"Okay lets go them." He jumped up from where he was sitting and walked over to me.

"We should bring some supplies with us just in case, okay?" He nodded his head in agreement.

Before heading out we grabbed some cloths for Nora and one of the guys from our pack. 

"Okay so Jem and Rhyder are you guys ready?" They both nodded there heads in agreement before we took off in our wolf form to go and save Nora.

Nora's P.O.V.

I sat there waiting for the time to come and soon enough it did. The man came into the basement with a dress in his hands. Why would they want me to wear a dress for a damn sacrifice ritual if it was going to get bloody in the first place. These people are just confusing in my book. 

"Put this on." He throws the dress at me and just stands there. I stare at him seeing if he was going to turn around or not. After a couple of minutes he smacks me in the face and says again. "Put the dress on." This time I did. I took of my tank top so I was only in my bra and shorts. I slipped the dress over my head until it was fully on.

It was white and went down to my knees and have red flowers on it. Well at least when it gets bloody you won't be able to tell the difference. The man grabbed my arm again and ragged me up the stairs and started to head for the door. Well this is going to be cold since you know its in the middle of fucking winter and I'm only wearing a dress. Where all these people  are in pants and sweaters with a robe over that.

He takes me to a small opening where there is a stone slap that could possibly fit two people on it. I see another person carrying out something. I didn't realize what it was until it was set down on the stone. My brother. Or should I say my dead brother. The guy who has my arm gestured towards the table telling me to go by it. Since I head no chance I did as he said. 

I would fight or run but honestly I don't have the energy. By the time I reach it I'm freezing. Richard comes out with two men by his sides holding candles and a knife. Also there was something in a bucket and don't want to think of what is in there because I could smell it. Like old pennies. Blood.

"My dear Nora." Richards says to me with a mischievous smile on his face.

"Put her on the table." He was directing to the guys that were closest to me. They picked me up and slammed me against the stone slab. I felt something called on my wrist, so I look down and see silver chains around them. Not these damn things again.


Jem's P.O.V.

We were so close that I could smell her. I knew she was hurt because of our mate bond but not how bad sense our bond isn't that strong. 

'We are almost there.' Will mind linked me.

'I know I can smell her from here. How long do you think till we can reach her?' I mind linked back.

'Probably in like ten minutes or so.'

'Good.' I ended the mind link and checked behind me to see how Ryder was doing. He was keeping up well which was good. I mind linked him telling him we got about ten minutes or so.


Well that is it with this chapter. I hope you like it. 




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