I was speechless. How could WICKED do something like this to kids? How could I do it to Thomas?

"Did you ever see me again?" I asked.

"Yes. When they were dragging me into the Scorch, I saw you standing by a door. You had a gun in your hand and you were looking at me with saddness in your eyes. That's it."

"W-why would I do that?" I asked myself out loud, ducking my head down.

"It was the greatest suprise to me. I never thought my own boyfriend would betray me."

My head shot up. "B-boyfriend? We were..."

"Yeah. For quite a bit. After escaping that first WICKED facility, I confessed my feelings and you felt the same. Then we kissed and stuff like that."

My face heated up, ever since I saw Thomas in the box in the Glade, I did have some feelings for him, but I just pushed them down when Teresa came. But, I've never gotten over him. A small smile started growing on my face, I actually ended up with my Tommy.

"So how did you get out here?" Thomas asked, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"I'm not sure. I just woke up over there and the last thing I remember is having a group of people save us from WICKED."

"Huh. So you're-"

Thomas got cut off by a loud roar, like the one that woke me up earlier.

"What the hell was that?" I asked, getting to my feet.

"I'm not so sure. C'mon, let's hide." He grabbed my hand and pulled me behind a pile of rubble.

Suddenly, a honk came to our right and a large van drove into our sight. It braked and five people in suits climbed out. The went to the back of the van and opened it up. One of them climbed in and came out with a big gun. The other four did the same.

"Listen up. We're out here to look for Subject A-2. Ready?" The tallest one asked.

The others nodded and they set out to the other side of the street.

"What's Subject A-2?" I whispered to Thomas.

"Me. They're looking for me."

"You? What do they want with you?"

"Not sure. Don't want to find out though. Follow me."

Thomas started jogging down in between two buildings that looked ready to topple over at any second. I ran behind him and looked at Thomas ahead of me.

I could tell he was starved because of the outline of his ribs. His torn up shirt barely covered his upper body and his pants were almost black with dirt and possibly blood. One of his arms and a long scar running to his shoulder to his elbow. I wonder how he got that?

Thomas ran into one of the buildings and it was pitch black. I ran into a what felt like a rock and tripped, landing on my bad leg.

"How can you see in here?" I asked, wincing in pain.

Thomas came back to me and helped me up and guided me through the darkness. I limped as fast as I could and he led me to a tunnel that went below the surface. We climbed down and we were greeted by a fire. It seemed like this was Thomas's home. There were some torn up pieces of cloth bundled up on the floor as a bed. Also, there was a corner of the room that had a few jugs of water and even fewer food containers.

"Home, sweet home." Thomas said.

I raised my eyebrow and walked further into his one room home.

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