Chapter 10

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Luke's POV

I cry out and suddenly so many doctors rush in it seemed like they were just waiting by the door for something to happen.

"She woke up, she woke up!" I yell. Teresa and another girl from the Selection runs in.

Quinn's eyes are wide open for a few seconds but as everyone rushes in and I try to start talking to her, her eyes droop down and she fell back asleep. One of the girls chuckled, I didn't turn to see who it was because it couldn't have been Teresa, and either way I didn't feel like snapping at anyone or confronting or anything.

I just wanted Quinn to wake up.


"How is she?" I ask a doctor for the seventh time since they've kicked me out of her room. He had just walked out and was removing his gloves. He looked tired and I wonder how long he has been here, and how many people he's helped and how many people he couldn't help.

The doctor, Longson his name tag says, sighs and sits next to me on the bench.

"She's not well. She's almost not anything. The only thing we can do now is take her off life support otherwise she'll be like this for however long we leave her there for."

"How did this even happen? How did she get so hurt from a crash when none of us had nearly has bad injuries as her?" I manage to choke out. I really wanted to yell it but it came out as a small whisper. My heart feels like it is shattering for a girl I barely knew, but I wanted to get to know her better. She was my first kiss and I wanted her ever since I looked into her eyes. Cheesy, love at first sight type of love with anyone else is something I would have said no to, but with her I'd have any cheesy rom-com love.

"Well, originally she was going to be fine after a few surgeries. She wouldn't have been able to do a lot of things after. Not even walking. She would need speak therapy most likely, the hit she took combined with the crash, we're guessing she fell face first onto a seat, broke her jaw pretty bad an-"

"She talked to me just fine a few hours ago. She sounded perfect." I interrupted.

"I said most likely. Anyway, it turns out that when we would put her water up so she was still hydrated, someone kept breaking in and poisoning the water. She was drinking a type of poison that started to drown her brain mentally. I'm not sure how she woke up from that, if she woke up a few days ago even for that short time she would have had a chance of survival but it's too late. I'm sorry, kid. From what I've heard and how you're always around her, I'm sure she's a great girl. Sadly not all great people have great luck, and I hate to see this happen as much as it does."

"See what happen? Someone poisoning another person?"

"No, good people getting the short end when they deserve more. We're going to do an investigation on who was poisoning her and nobody is leaving until we find out who." Doctor Longson grabs a box of tissues from the table next to the bench and hands it to me. I hadn't even realized I've been crying. It was only small tears running fast down my cheeks and I didn't make a noise.

I took the tissues and he got up. He started to walk away when I stopped him. "Doctor." I called.

"Yes, kid?"

Struggling to remember what I was going to say, I just told him that I hoped he finds out who did this to Quinn.

"And let me know when you find out, I will take care of it personally."

Doctor Longson shook his head, "we can't have your kingdom deal with it unless it was a member of your kingdom. Which means it was either a girl from the Selection, mentor, or a guard that came with you here. If it isn't, then we deal with it."

"What kingdom are we in?"



The sun sets when I hear soft steps walking toward me. I look up and it's Teresa, holding a tray that must be the dinner I skipped.

"May I sit?" She asks.

I nod. I'm not sure why I do. She sits and hands me the stray.

I stare at the food as she stares at me, maybe she's waiting for a thank you but I don't thank her. I skipped dinner for a reason, and I didn't ask for her to bring me anything, even her company.

"Luke..." She starts, but stops. Her hands keep folding and unfolding as if she's nervous.

I still stare at the tray until she realizes that I'm not going to eat and I'm not going to talk. Teresa takes the tray and leaves.

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