"You're stressing me out." I said and she nodded. 

"I'm sorry, I was just saying." She said. "I didn't mean to stress you out." She smirked at me and I knew that she was thinking something bad. 


"Do you have any pictures of him? Is he cute?" 

"He's very cute. He has blonde hair and blue eyes. He even has a lip ring." I answered. 

"Do you have a picture of him?" I pulled up his Facebook and pulled up his most recent picture but of course that wasn't enough for her and she scrolled through all of his pictures. "He's a momma's boy." She giggled. 

"How do you know?" I questioned. She always said stuff but she was often wrong. 

"Look, he posts so many pictures of him and his mom." She said showing me a few pictures. 

"Okay, so?" 

"I wasn't saying it was bad." She said as she handed my phone back, both of us laying on my bed. "You've never wanted to date anyone, how come all of a sudden you change your mind?" I shrugged. I had said for years that I didn't want to date anyone that I never wanted to get married. I never told anyone the reason's why but I knew I didn't want it. 

"I don't know. I guess he seemed really sweet when he bought that book and no one has ever done that for me before and he seems like a real guy, like he actually cares. He said it made him upset that I put the book back." I answered. I wanted to get to know Luke and not like what he does for a living I wanted to know if he was afraid of the dark or birds or planes. I wanted to know everything there is to know about his family. I want to know about his loves for dogs or cats or both. I want to know everything. 

"I find it strange but I'm going to support you. But if he hurts you, I will kick him in the balls." I laughed a little because I knew that it was true. 

"You don't need to kick him in the balls. And I'm sure if it all works out you'll be meeting him soon." I smiled at her. 

"Sure I will. Anyway, I gotta head home to the man and dog before they burn my house down." She laughed. She had been engaged for nearly a year and she was finally making plans on the date for the wedding. "Text me tomorrow when you know where you're going!" She shouted before letting herself out and I sighed before rolling over to look at the dress that she hung up on my closet door. 

"It is pretty." I said standing up, looking at it closer. I sighed as I pulled the black heels out of the bottom of my closet. I hope he likes it. 

I went to bed that night filled with anxiety and stress about that date. I didn't know how it was going go or if he was actually being a genuine guy or if he was using me and that scared the shit out of me. He had sent me a good night text around ten after I had been tossing and turning for nearly an hour. It kind of helped me rest. 

When I woke up the next morning I could see the bags under my eyes from my restless sleep that I had gotten but I got in the shower to hopefully wake myself up a little. I could hear the cat meowing outside of the bathroom door and realized that I didn't feed her this morning. I washed my hair and body before getting out and wrapping myself in a towel going to feed the cat. 

I walked back into my bedroom, pulling out my laptop and trying to write a chapter to my book but all that was coming to mind was the man who bought me a book in the book store. 

When it was time to get ready, I did my hair and makeup before stepping into the dress and leaving the heels off until I knew he was here because they would hurt my feet. I looked at the clock as the minutes slowly ticked by before there was a knock on my door. I let out a breath before opening the front door. 

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