We never heard from - or of - them again.

Their's weren't the only verdicts given. Ahead of Tyler and I, Phil was brought up to the stand.

"You were one of the main players in this rebellion, correct?"

"I was a strategist. That's all."

"That's not all. You were also a victim of the controversial testing program run by the past president and Monty Moon, yes?"


"Some people consider you a danger to society, what with the modifications and all-"

"I'm not. I've never wanted to harm anyone. Ever. Besides, I don't posses that kind of strength any more."

"And how's that?"

"I gave it away."

Her eyes widened. As did everyone else's. Giving your powers to someone else was practically unheard of - and successful efforts even less so.


"Someone needed it more that I did."

She lent back in her chair, a glint of appreciation in her eyes. A slight smile formed on her lips as she said "I understand." She didn't push the matter any further. Instead, she offered him a role in the new government, if he could bare it. She needed to show the world a little peace in this time, and she felt as if he was the right man to help achieve that. Phil backed down though, saying he wanted nothing to do with this any longer.

Then it was our turn.

"Yokela, your family is one that shall be written about over and over again in the future. The triumphs and savagery are well renowned, as I'm sure everyone in this room can agree. I was initially taken aback when the resistance said you were with them. But, after seeing you in the flesh, I see it. There's a spark ready to ignite within you, no doubt, but you don't strike me as a violent type. Something tells me it might be to do with that Water next to you."

Without a moment's hesitation he said, "It is."

On and on the case went. From talks of Tyler's rehabilitation to our views on different members on all sides.

At one point she asked about the whereabouts of Caspar and Joe. Neither of us knew. In fact, no one did. They were neither on the lists of the dead or the living. To this day I don't know what happened. Zoe said she thought she saw Joe in the reflection of a window at her wedding ceremony. Dan swore he once saw a man running round in a duvet, and he looked suspiciously like Caspar. No one was ever certain though. No one ever would be.

The inquest continued on. But at no point did they mention us being subjected to experimentation. It dawned on me that the only people who knew I had been tested on were all in that cell, and they were now either dead or kind enough not to mention it. I was grateful for that blessing. Although some of my energy had been taken by that atrocious device, I still would be considered a threat. But my need to use powers had all but diminished after the battles. I was done with violence.

Some credit was bestowed upon us, but Tyler rejected it immediately. He said we only got involved in the situation because we had no alternative, and the people to thank were those who chose to help even though it was safer not to. Like always, I agreed with him. We didn't deserve the same credit as most. But that wasn't all. Neither of us trusted ourselves with respect from strangers. What unfurled from respect for Monty and Khanye-Knot were etched into our minds for eternity. Who knew what we could do with that same power?

Once we were finally permitted to leave, with new roles delegated to us both, cameras flashed in our faces. Questions were called out. A few rushed forward to greet us. But the moment passed just as quickly as it'd came. The photographers sighed, saying we weren't important enough. The reporters retreated.

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