Protected Chapter 2

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Well, I'm thinking of deleting STGIKM but I want to know how you guys feel about it and give me your feed back.

Well, Here it is.

Chapter 2



 "Anna wake up." I moaned as I was trying to wake up. "Wake up!" He yelled and that made me jump. My heart started to beat really fast like I was having a heart attack.

"What do you want man?!" I heard him chuckle.

"I'm leaving for work now. Don't cook anything, don't answer the door for anybody, lock the doors and windows, and-" 

"Does it look like I'm five?" I was getting annoyed.

"Sorry, by the way I forgot to mention that I have a swimming pool so um you can swim in your underwear or a shirt of mine if you want to swim."

"Okeydokey.'' I said rolling over on my stomach hugging my  body pillow. I heard him leave I waited an hour before I decided I was going to be nosy. I got up and walked down the hall. To what looked like another room but when I opened it, it was like a smush room, there was a red bed, everything was red with a boom box, a jacuzzi, candles, and a big screen T.V. Weirdo. I  left that room and continued to  wander around and I found Marcus' room. His was simple not to cool but whatever.

I wandered to where his CDs were and picked up a Britney Spears Cd. There was a star next to a song and it said 'Favorite one' hmmm.

"So, he's a slave. That's just dandy." I plopped in the cd and turned it to track '6' Where I'm a Slave 4 U and I cranked it to where I could here it through the whole house and put it on repeat. I went to his closet and got out a white t-shirt some boxers. I stripped out of my nightwear and put the white shirt and boxers on. I went downstairs to the pool. I could still hear the music loud and clear. Once I jumped in the pool the cool water felt so good against my warms skin. I felt like it was the best place ever. I floated in the water for a while until I wanted to get a tan. So I took off the shirt and put towel around my chest, I layed there for a good 15 minutes until I got bored. I am much to impatient to be laying here so I got up and went back into the house.

I went up to my room and put on the sweats and tank top Marcus bought me and I went back to investigate the house. I went downstairs and saw an indoor gym. Are you kidding me? What doesn't this house have? But I could use a good work out. I went in there and worked out for a good 2 hours. Then I got tired of that and went back up to Marcus' room and layed on his bed and I suddenly had the urge to dance. So, the song that has been playing on for four hours I finally decided to dance to it. Some girls on the street taught me how to dance.

I was dancing like a stripper. Shaking my booty, i think its called booty dancing? I don't know anyway I was just dancing to it then i heard something.

"Nice moves." He started laughing. It was Marcus.

"I don't know how to dance." I said looking down trying to hide my blush of being embarrassed.

"Here. Let's put on a non-slutty song and let's put on B-E-A-UTIFUL By Megan Nicole. Okay?" I nodded my head and he put it on.He put one hand on my waist, he took my hand and put it on his shoulder, then he held my right hand in his left. He picked me up so I was standing on his feet. We started swaying back and forth my head on his shoulder.

"By the way, my sister is coming in five minutes." I looked up and him. He had a sister?

"Ok am I staying in her room or something? Do I need to sleep on the couch." I pointed downstairs with my thumb and got off his feet.

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