Chapter 5

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So its finally here chapter 5. Hope you guys like it! I tried to make this chapter as long as possible. 


The song ended and I went back to Marcus and Francisca.

"Oh my goodness you were fantastic!" I smiled and thanked her and I turned to Marcus wondering if he approves of me having this job, because I love singing but if he doesn't want me to do it then I won't.



"Well?" I raised one eyebrow and looked at him, he looked deep in my eyes with a look that was  very hard to resist, when he finally spoke.

"It was pretty good. I might come watch you another night." I couldn't help the grin that spread against my face. He smiled back I was about to say something when my new manager came over. His name was Steve.

"You were fantastic! Would? you be willing to come in tomorrow?"

I Looked between Francisca and Marcus and back up at Steve. "Um, yeah sure."

"Great," He handed me abunch of money I almost died choking on my soda "You okay?" I nodded my head.

"How much is this?" I asked once I got my breathe back looking at him with disbelieve. 

"Two hundred dollars." AT the same time mine, Francy, Marcus, mouth dropped.

'T-t-two hundred d-d-dollars? All I did was jump around and sing." He shrugged and took one of the hundreds from my hand.

"Ok, then I will take them away." I snatched the bill back from him.

"Oh no buddy I worked hard for this money!" We all laughed, except for Marcus, he kept looking at me like he was trying to figure something out. I quickly looked away and back at my boss.

"Ok tomorrow we do duets, so I need you to wear something sexy like a short skirt, dress or something like that ok?"

"Yeah sure." I saw Francy holding back a smile, a smile that said she was so bringing Marcus here. I smiled back at her.

"Great you start at 7 pm, don't be late." He smiled and walked away with his hands in his brown slacks. 


I decided to go with a short black shorts that was a sexy short but not to short, and a black corset (because Steve said that it was gonna be a sexy song so I needed to dress sexy). I also got these really funky looking shoes. They were black but the didn't have heels, just the wedge under the ball of my foot. Weird, I know. I tried them on though and they were comfortable. Ember people I used to be a hooker and wore heels all day.  I was listening to 'I'm Sexy and I know It' By LMFAO. Weird song but I only like the part where the go like: Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, wiggle, yeah! Haha. It just cracks me up!

I went into my bathroom that is connected to my room and my closet, and got out my make-up bag. I put on my lash stiletto mascara, which made my eyelashes look spread out, black and full. I got out some rainbow contacts (yes rainbow contacts, Francisca bought them for me when we were at the mall) and put them in my eyes. I put on a thin layer of sparkly purple eyeshadow which made my eye color really pop which was blue and thought about not putting the rainbow contacts in but did it anyway. 

I stepped back and took one more look in the mirrior. I was ready for my first planned show. It was a duet and I had no Idea who I would DU ET with hahaha get it? Du et, duet. Yeah, I'm weird. Francisca, Marcus and I arrived at the club, we went inside to meet up with Steve with an apologetic look on his face.

ProtectedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora