Protected Chapter 3

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Ok so in this chapter i think im- ok imma be honest with you i have no idea soooooo imma wing it lol. Just wing it!


"Boo bitch!" I said giving her a 'whatcha think you lookin at?' look.

 "Slut." She muttered under her breathe. She left the room and I looked up to Marcus.

"Well, what are you gonna do? People talk." I smiled, and went back to watching T.V.

''look,"  he said walking to the couch, he sat down and put his arm around me, "She is going to be here for a week, Please be nice." giving me the puppy dog look pouting his lip. He looked sexy, I wonder how good of a good kisser he is?

"Fine.  I'll try." I said throwing my hands in the air giving up.

"Thank you."

"Mhm. By the way, how old are you?"

"22, why?"

"Just curious. I mean I'm living with you right? I think I have the right to know." I gave him my innocent smile. You the ones you find that are so hard to resist, yep thats the one.



I was still watching T.V when Marcus came downstairs looking hot as hell with a tight white shirt showing off his abs, and skinny jeans that fit just right. I couldn't stop myself my gazing over the incredible body that was just a few feet away from me. I then looked up to his face where it held a smirk and his eyebrows raised.

"What are you looking at, Anna?" He said holding a bottle of water which made him look even sexier. While he is staring at me I'm just wishing he would pour that water all over his body. Yeah I know what you're thinking 'Why would a girl think of that?' but when you are this close to a hot guy, you would think the same thing.

"I'm looking at you obviously. Can't I just stop and look at my P.O to take in how he looks, I mean I don't want to continue living here if you were ugly." Nice save Anna, now he thinks you're weird.

"Right? Hey go get dressed. We're going out tonight." Did he just say we're going out? Is he ordering me? Who is he to order me around? I'm Anna and he is going to order me around? Uh uh That's not gonna happen.

"Why?" I asked sounding agrivated as hell. I like staying in this house all day. It makes me feel safe.

"Well, first you need to get out of this bloody house, second I'm hungry and I want something other than Mac and Cheese, third I promised I would go get more clothes for you, and I can't do that without your body there so please, go get dressed because," He walked from the kitchen to me, coming face to face, our lips only centimeters apart. " We. Are. Going. Out." He put a smirk on his face that me want to punch him. 

"Fine, but I won't like it!" I said crossing my arms, stomping upstairs to my room.

"Stomp all you want sweetheart, you're still going!"

"UGH!" I yelled downstairs to him. I didn't know where we were going so just in case we went somewhere fancy I got my black skinny jeans, my favorite g-string, a strapless bra, and a sleeveless top with a big bead in-between the breasts. I took my clothes to the bathroom where I turned on the water to where it was hot but not to hot. I brushed my hair before I got in, I took off my clothes and stepped into the shower.

The warm beads of water felt good hitting against my cool skin, I ran my fingers through my light brown hair making sure it was good and wet before I put shampoo through it. I messaged the shampoo through my hair, then I washed it off and turned off the water. I stepped out of the shower getting ready to grab a towel and I heard the door open. I turned around and saw Marcus shocked as his eyes were wide looking up and down, then his expression changed when he smirked and leaned on the door-frame.

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