I just want to be free

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7 years ago

"Are you sure Shanks?" asked Ben his captain. "I am." Shanks said handing a small baby hidden in a black blanket to an old woman. "I will give good care at her. She is my granddaughter anyway." said the old gray haired woman. "Don't say her who her parents are. I didn't give her to you so she could fall into trouble!" Shanks said sternly. "How dare you speak to your mother like this?! Just say the name and go before you change your mind and take her to the new world." Shanks mother said. "Her name will be Harmony. Her mother choose the name." Shanks said kissing the small forehead of the little child. The little girl cracked a small smile and then sniffed. "It looks like she understands the situation." Yassop said sniffing too. "I doubt she is your daughter Shanks. She is a week old and already intelligent. It took you 10 years to be on her level." Shanks mother replied. "Just take good care on her." Shanks said smiling at his little baby a sweet fake smile and turned around. The little bundle of happiness started crying hysterically. Shanks mother tried to calm her but she wouldn't. Her small black orbs flashed to the direction her father left. Her tears grew stronger and her whimpering grew louder. The whole island could hear her cries for her only parent left. 'I am sorry Harmony. I hope you will understand it when you are older. I promise we will see each other again.' Thought Shanks listening to his daughters cries of agony.

6 years later

All doubts that Harmony isn't Shanks daughter are now away. Her hair is crimson red and her black eyes hold the look that Shanks held so many years ago. Hunger for adventure. But thanks to the patient and sometimes violent iron grip of her granny did she forget all the dreams of her foolish father hidden deep inside. So she thought. 

It was a calm day and Harmony was sitting on the grass near the cherry bloom tree. She was sitting in his shadow and looked over the town that she could clearly see thanks to the hill where she sat. Children were playing near her relaxing area. Adults were  working hard on the fields and her granny was taking care of her new patient. He was laying on the bed because of a big illness that plagued their family for a long time.  The 6 years old was sitting on the grass alone. No children liked her. She was a monster for them. Her only friend was a small girl that was from the same family as the sick man. She had the illness to but fought against it with all her power. "Harmony-sama!" yelled a childish voice from the mass of children. A young blond girl run to the side of the red head. "Come and play with me, Harmony-sama." whined the blond girl. "I don't feel well, Ayame-chan." said the black eyed girl to her blond friend in hope of silence. "Should I call Granny-sama to check on you then?" Ayame asked. But the girl with her short cut red hair only shook her head. Her eyes are still fixed on the coast as if any moment a giant sea monster will plop out. "I just have a bad gut feeling." Harmony said smiling at her only friend and they both stood up to play together

A gunshot interrupted the busy town. Everything grew silent. No more laughing children, no more tools making noise. Just silence. A death body fall to the ground. People cried out for their beloved one. "Master!" yelled some sword pupils that the now old man taught how to fight. Granny run to his side to check on him. "Granny!" yelled the small red head running in front of the two old people. "Harmony run!" ordered Granny to her stubborn granddaughter. "No. He will shot you." Harmony said shocking the man and villagers at once. "You are clever for a child that has milk still running down her chin." commented the pirate pointing a gun at her forehead. "Go away or everyone will see your brain on the road." he said. "No!" yelled Harmony stubbornly. "This island is under the protection of the yonko Akagami no Shanks. Pirates can't even set a foot here without permission. So the only one who will go is you... If you cherish your life you should turn around and run as wide away as you can." Harmony said shocking everyone again. A 6 years old is telling a bunch of heartless pirates to run. 


It is a year ago that Granny jumped in the aim of the gun to protect her brave granddaughter. A year that the island was burned down so the illness couldn't infect other people. A year that Harmony was told to run as wide away as her feet could carry her. A year that her hands were marked with the blood of her only family. A year that the pirates caught her to let her become one of them. A whole year that she lost her freedom. A year of beating and scars that she survived.

Her hair was still cut short. The seven years old had an eye patch over her right eye. She was in the dark. Her eyes fixed onto two shining golden orbs that were two times higher then her own. She had to fight the man in front of her to stay a day longer. The pirates made a assassin out of her. She is now a good swordsman. Fast, clever and violent. But still she knew this will be her last fight. 'I won't make it. Not in the dark. Not against the best fighter here. Not without a weapon. Not with my body. Not with just one working eye.'  The boy attacked sending a strong kick directly to her head. Harmony had too much fear in her system to dodge. Her fragile body hit the wall. She slowly stood up and looked at the older male. He had purple hair and a smirk on his lips. "Kill her, Zuko." ordered the captain. Zuko run  at her aiming at her chest with his fist. Harmony jumped away and rolled over the ground. She run for the door. But her "nakama" blocked the only way out of this nightmare. Zuko kicked her into the next wall leaving a hole in it too. Harmony sat on her knees her eye looking at the male. "Do you want to beg? You do know that pirates should never beg for their life. Weakling don't choose their way of death." Harmony only shook her head. "I-I want just die. I don't c-care about the way." she said looking to the floor. "The end effect is the same." Harmony said standing up. she run between Zukos feet to a sword hanging on the wall. But one of the pirates kicked her away. She stood up again and run for it again. But the attack repeat. She tried it ten times more. Now she couldn't even stand. In her eyes were building tears. The captain laughed. "Where is you bravery now?! Did you lost them like your virginity?!" he laughed more. 'I won't cry. I won't let him have that view. I won't let him live on!' Harmony rose again on her shaky feet. "S-Shut up." she chocked on the blood in her mouth. "What did you say shrimp. You just a weakling. You are destined to die today!!!!" he laughed. "Shut up!" said the red head louder. "I won't let myself get ordered around by some little whore!" the captain roared. "SHUT UP!!!!!!!" Harmony said clenching her fists creating a wave of energy that knocked out many man. The whole room froze. The seven year old shook now from anger. "YOU ARE JUST A MONSTER! I HOPE YOU WILL DIE! NO! YOU WILL DIE! BY MY HAND!!!!!!!!" Harmony said taking the sword finally and run at the captain. Zuko run to block her attack but Harmony simply dodged and run faster. The next moment drops of blood were flying from her. Her sword was stabbed in the chest of the captain.

Harmony was running away. The whole base is just a mess of ruins, ash, death bodies and blood. In her right hand is her sword and in the other a shield. She turned the last time towards the place that made a monster out of her. The wind picked up and blew her on one side. It blew some tears from her eyes too. "Freedom." she said jumping into the small boat.

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