Good Riddance (no ship)

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I don't need you

Maybe I'm better off
Isolation will do me good
Solitude isn't a bad thing
Something you never understood

You just think of yourself anyway
Only ever worried when it's about you
Useless is everyone else

Let's face it
Everything has alway been about you
All you care about is yourself
Even you know it

Can't change
Obviously you won't try
Meeting you was a mistake
Everyday I regret it

Barely ever asked how I was
Always complaining
Couldn't you try to be there for me?
Keep me grounded like you used to?

Yeah right
Only in my head right?
Unobtainable dreams right?

Aren't you getting it?
Really that obtuse?
Even now?

My god you're dense
You really don't understand a thing

Endings aren't alway happy
Very sad but very true
Even in the end you haven't changed
Rarely thought twice
You never cared did you?
Thanks for making me feel stupid
Hoping I was truly loved
In the end, none of it was real
Now I know
Good riddance

Rereading can be a hassle. Paying attention to little details is sometimes pointless. Little lines have meaning though. Maybe I should try again.

Just an experiment. This isn't about me.

Oneshots!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt